The transformative classroom: the theory and practice of profound self-change
Join this seminar to hear Douglas Yacek discuss the modern ubiquity of transformative approaches to teaching and learning in education.

This is a hybrid event - if you would like to attend online, please contact the event organiser indicated above.
Researchers, practitioners and commentators alike frequently claim that a worthwhile education should change learners in a profound and enduring way. But what exactly does it mean to be so transformed? What should teachers be transforming students into? Should they really attempt to transform students at all?
In this talk, Douglas Yacek will give an overview and critique of the most influential approaches to transformative education today. He will make the case for a new theory of transformative education based on the moral psychology of aspiration.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in philosophy of education.
PESGB seminar series
This event is part of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB) seminar series. PESGB is a learned society that promotes the study, teaching and application of philosophy of education. Its London Branch hosts seminars every Wednesday in conjunction with the Centre for Philosophy of Education. These seminars are led by national and international scholars in the field, covering a wide range of issues of educational and philosophical concern.
All are welcome to attend.
Covid-19 measures
To minimise Covid-related risks for in-person attendees at our events we will facilitate social distancing where possible. We strongly encourage attendees to wear a mask while in our buildings. We ask that those registered for our events do not attend in-person if they are showing respiratory symptoms. Thank you for your co-operation.
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His research focuses on questions at the intersections of educational ethics, democratic and moral education, teacher education and the history of educational thought.