Event type:

In person

Date & time:

16 Mar 2022, 14:00 – 15:30

Book launch from the Knowledge and Quality across School Subjects and Teacher Education network

Join a panel discussion with the authors of two of Bloomsbury Academic's most recent books: 'International Perspectives on Knowledge and Curriculum' and 'International Perspectives on Knowledge and Quality'.

Book and research notes. Image: Lum3n/Pexels.
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Book launch from the Knowledge and Quality across School Subjects and Teacher Education network

16 Mar 2022, 14:00 – 15:30

Brian Hudson

Emeritus Professor of Education

University of Sussex

He is an Emeritus Professor of Education the University of Sussex and is a Guest Professor in the Department of Educational Studies at Karlstad University in Sweden where he works with the ROSE research group - 'Research On Subject-specific Education'.

Niklas Gericke

Professor of Science Education

Karlstad University

His research explores the questions what, why, how and when something should be taught and, whether by studying mechanisms and processes in and outside of the classroom, we can gain insights into issues that will benefit teaching.

Martin Stolare

Professor of History

Karlstad University

He is currently committed to the research group ROSE (Research On Subject Specific Education), where he is part of the managing team.

Christina Olin-Scheller

Professor in Educational Work

Karlstad University

Her work pursues interdisciplinary research relating to the conditions for learning, development and identity creation in formal and informal educational settings. 

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Dr Cosette Crisan
