Event type:

In person

Date & time:

15 Jun 2022, 13:00 – 14:00

Religion and education in Ireland, Europe and beyond

Join this event to hear Professor Daniel Faas discuss child agency, ethos and leadership in community national schools in Ireland.

Catholic school building - Flickr/Robert Cutts. CC BY-SA 2.0.
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Religion and education in Ireland, Europe and beyond

Professor Daniel Faas

Professor in Sociology

Trinity College, Dublin

His research is in the sociology of migration and consists of three interlinked strands: (1) identities and integration, (2) comparative curriculum analyses, as well as (3) religion and schooling in Ireland and Europe.

He has published widely on these topics in high-impact peer-reviewed international journals, as well as a sole-authored monograph (Negotiating Political Identities: Multiethnic Schools and Youth in Europe, London: Routledge). In  2015, Faas was elected to Fellowship at Trinity College Dublin in recognition of his scholarship and research achievements.

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Kiran Dhillon
