Event type:

In person

Date & time:

01 Jun 2022, 14:00 – 15:30

Regional perspectives: Global education and learning in Latin America

This webinar aims to highlight and analyse regional differences in the development and implementation of policies and practices that aim to promote global learning.

Mexican woman working with her computer on a coffee shop terrace in the streets of a city in Latin America. Image by Marcos / Adobe Stock.
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Regional perspectives: Global education and learning in Latin America

01 Jun 2022, 14:00 – 15:30

Cruz Prado Rojas

Director of the Master’s Degree in Pedagogical Mediation and Director of the Doctorate in Education

International University Antonio de Valdivieso, Nicaragua

Cruz is also a guest lecturer at the Catholic University of Manizales, Colombia. She studied different degrees, finishing with a doctorate in Education, from the perspective of the emerging paradigm which attempts to understand modern thinking in order to change the way we approach it. She is the author of 16 books and numerous articles, and has worked as an international consultant and director of different doctorates.

Israel Arturo Orrego-Echeverría

Lecturer and researcher, Faculty of Philosophy

Free University, and the National Open and Distance Learning University

Israel is a Colombian philosopher, theologian and educator - a specialist in education, culture and politics, Master in Latin American Philosophy and a Doctor of Philosophy. He has worked for several years as a teacher, director and coordinator in basic primary and secondary education institutions as well as in popular education spaces with vulnerable communities in the city of Bogota, Colombia.

His academic contributions have revolved around philosophy and the epistemology of education, the creation of the Education for Development approach within a Latin American perspective (EpDL), eco-environmental education and critical intercultural pedagogies. He is the author of several books and academic articles focusing on social education, the Education for Development approach, the epistemology of education, political ontology and Latin American philosophy.

Silvia Elisabeth Miranda de Moraes

Professor, Graduate School of Education

Federal University of Ceará, UFC (Brazil)

Silvia graduated in Anglo-Germanic Letters at UFC, has a Master's Degree in Speech Communication, University of Illinois (USA), a PhD in Education (Curriculum), University of Campinas, SP. She carried out a post-doctoral research at the Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo. 

She currently works in the Education, Curriculum and Teaching research line. In 2013-2014, she held a Senior Internship, with funding from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) at IOE's Development Education Research Centre, where she developed the study Global Citizenship as an inter/transdisciplinary theme in the university curriculum. Her current research project is entitled Planetary Citizenship and Ecology of Knowledge: interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and internationalisation in the curriculum of Brazilian higher education.

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Kester Muller
