Doctor in Education (EdD): celebrating 25 years
During IOE's 120th anniversary we are celebrating 25 years of the EdD, and will hear from staff, students and other colleagues who have contributed to the degree programme in its lifetime.
For 25 years, IOE's Doctor in Education (EdD) programme has worked to enable educational transformations, in our students and in our staff, that have influenced practice in a wide variety of settings and contexts.
This summer, we’re taking the time to celebrate the anniversary of the EdD by focusing on the past 25 years. This anniversary is part of the wider IOE 120th anniversary celebrations.
The EdD@25 celebration event is open to all, however registration is essential.
Staff, students and other colleagues who have contributed to the EdD in the last 25 years.
The panel of presenters will be confirmed to registered attendees in the lead-up to the event.
Mode of attendance
The event will be in-person and streamed online. During registration, you will be asked to confirm your intended mode of attendance.
Refreshments will be provided onsite.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in education, practice and research.
Related links
Further information
Pre-booking essential
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