Text complexity and beginning reading: Supporting young readers
In this webinar, Heidi Anne Mesmer will present her research on texts for beginning readers and the skills student will need to read complex texts.

Professor Mesmer will discuss what might make texts complex for young readers and how to best support them addressing important questions.
The seminar will be chaired by Angela Healy and Helen Morris.
This event would be of interest to classroom teachers, reading specialists and literacy leaders. It will be particularly useful for those interested in literacy, literacy teaching and learning, and literacy difficulties.
Reading Recovery Europe (RRE) seminar series
This webinar is part of the RRE seminar series. The aim of this seminar series is to provide a forum to discuss key issues in literacy teaching and learning and to connect research to practice.
Related links
Professor Heidi Anne Mesmer
School of Education, Virginia Tech
Since 1999, Professor Mesmer has studied beginning reading materials and text difficulty. She has published widely in this area including articles such as 'Toward a theoretical model of text complexity for the early grades' and the books 'Tools for Matching Readers to Text: Research-Based Practices' (2008) and 'Complex Text: Deepening Close Reading in the Classroom' (2016).
Angela Healy
Reading Recovery Teacher Leader
Professional Development Service for Teachers, (PDST) Ireland
Further information
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