Event type:

In person

Date & time:

24 Feb 2022, 16:00 – 17:00

Professionalising the Writing Tutor role through research-informed practice

This webinar will focus on current challenges and reflect on solutions to emerging issues.

IOE Writing Seminar. Image background: Students writing outside. Charlotte May via Pexels
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Professionalising the Writing Tutor role through research-informed practice

24 Feb 2022, 16:00 – 17:00

Remote Media URL

Dr Niall Curry

Assistant Professor in Academic Writing and ASPiRE Fellow

Coventry University

His research interests include academic writing and metadiscourse, multilingual academic discourse, corpus linguistics, contrastive linguistic, discourse analysis, language change, and language education. He is a Géras International Correspondent and co-editor of the Journal of Academic Writing. His recent publications include Academic Writing and Reader Engagement (2021), published in Routledge’s Applied Corpus Linguistics series. This work offers a contemporary and multilingual perspective on reader engagement in academic writing in English, French, and Spanish.

Dr Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams

Head of the Centre for Academic Writing (CAW)

Coventry University

In 2004, she led the setting up of CAW as the first institution-wide UK university writing centre. She has taught and tutored students in classrooms and writing centres in the UK and USA, at Bowling Green State University, University of Maine, Miami University, and University of Warwick. She joined European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW) in 2001, hosted the EATAW 2009 Conference, was EATAW Board Chair 2009-2011, and is Editor of the Journal of Academic Writing. Lisa’s publications include the co-edited Writing Programmes Worldwide: Profiles of Academic Writing in Many Places (WAC Clearinghouse/Parlour Press 2012).

Dr Catalina Neculai

Assistant Professor

Centre for Academic Writing (CAW) at Coventry University

She is also an Associate Research Fellow in the Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities / Research Institute for Creative Cultures. Catalina joined CAW as a full time academic in 2009, after a two-year tutoring stint at CAW while completing her doctorate and teaching in the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Warwick. Catalina has a background in English and French languages and literatures and a 12-year experience in research writing development (at all levels of expertise and experience) and Writing in the (trans/inter-)Disciplines. Catalina is also an active researcher interested in urban communities, activism and cultural documentation, and ideologies/spaces/scales of writing and academic knowledge production.

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Academic Writing Seminar
