The most fundamental philosophical questions about education concern its alleged aims
Are there any? If so, what are they? What determines their status as fundamental aims? Professor Harvey Siegel will discuss these questions in this webinar.

To register for this event, please contact the organiser, Alison Brady.
After reviewing the many aims proposed, Professor Harvey Siegel (University of Miami) will argue for the priority of a small cluster of basic aims.
Siegel will then challenge the ‘no aims’ view, that education either has no aims or is best pursued without reference to them. He will next challenge the currently popular view that the overarching aim of education is flourishing.
Finally, he will argue that society should serve education, that education sets its own proper path.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in Philosophy of Education.
PESGB seminar series
This event is part of The Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB) seminar series. PESGB is a learned society that promotes the study, teaching and application of philosophy of education. Its London Branch hosts seminars every Wednesday in conjunction with Philosophy at the Institute of Education.
These seminars are led by national and international scholars in the field, covering a wide range of issues of educational and philosophical concern. All are welcome to attend.
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Professor Harvey Siegel
Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus
University of Miami
His interests include epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of education, and argumentation theory. For several decades he has been a leading figure in epistemology and in the philosophy of education, and he is the author of numerous books and articles. His most recent book is Education's Epistemology: Rationality, Diversity, and Critical Thinking (2017, Oxford University Press).
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