The political economy of English in a capitalist world-system
In this talk, Professor John O'Regan presents a brief overview of the theoretical frameworks and perspectives in Marx’s theory of capital circulation, world-systems analysis, and international political economy to explain its global dominance.
To join the event, please contact the organiser, Alison Brady.
Professor O'Regan refers to his "Global English and Political Economy" (2021, Routledge) work and suggests that it is capital and its endless accumulation which make this dominance what it is.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in English language, linguistics, philosophy of education, globalisation, Marxism and capitalism.
PESGB seminar series
This event is part of The Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB) seminar series. PESGB is a learned society that promotes the study, teaching and application of philosophy of education. Its London Branch hosts seminars every Wednesday in conjunction with Philosophy at the Institute of Education. These seminars are led by national and international scholars in the field, covering a wide range of issues of educational and philosophical concern.
All are welcome to attend.
Related links
- Tweet with #philofed
- Department of Education, Practice and Society
- Philosophy at the Institute of Education
Image: 'Money and Calculator' by Images Money via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Professor of Critical Applied Linguistics
UCL Institute of Education (IOE), University College London
He is co-editor of Education and the Discourse of Global Neoliberalism (Routledge, 2021).
Further information
Pre-booking essential
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