Event type:

In person

Date & time:

04 May 2021, 12:00 – 13:00

VIRTUAL EVENT: Youth mobility in India

This webinar is the first event in the youth mobility series and will focus on rural and urban youth mobility and international student mobility in India.

Four young people looking at across the city from a balcony. Image: Devin Avery via Unsplash
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VIRTUAL EVENT: Youth mobility in India

04 May 2021, 12:00 – 13:00

Watch CGY Youth Mobility webinars - Week 1: India on YouTube.

Supriya RoyChowdhury

Visiting Professor

the National Institute of Advanced Studies

Supriya has a forthcoming book titled 'City of Shadows: Slums and Informal Work in Bangalore' (Cambridge University Press).

Carol Upadhya

Professor and Head of the Urban and Mobility Studies programme

the National Institute of Advanced Studies

Carol co-edited the volume 'Provincial Globalization in India: Transregional Mobilities and Development Politics' (Routledge, 2018).

Peidong Yang

Assistant Professor

the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

A sociologist of education, Peidong’s main research interest is the intersection between education and migration/mobility.

He has worked on a number projects, including Chinese student mobility to Singapore, Indian medical students in China, and immigrant teachers in Singapore.

He is the author of 'International Mobility and Educational Desire: Chinese Foreign Talent Students in Singapore' (Palgrave, 2016) and numerous journal articles.

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Rachel Benchekroun
