VIRTUAL EVENT: Upper secondary tracks and student competencies: a selection or a causal effect?
In this presentation, Moris Triventi will explore whether the track attended in upper secondary education affects student achievement in Italy.

Moris will disentangle the genuine effects of track choices from selection biases relating to the different characteristics of students enrolled in different tracks.
The study focused on between-school tracking. It explored whether track effects vary systematically by student social background, a largely overlooked issue in previous research.
Strong evidence of social selection into tracks was found, based on previous scholastic achievement, social background and individuals’ motivation.
Evidence was also found that track effects are substantial on both reading and mathematics performance, albeit slightly larger in the latter subject.
- Moris Triventi, University of Trento
QSS seminar series
In this weekly Quantitative Social Science (QSS) seminar series, speakers present research that falls under the broad umbrella of quantitative social science.
Image: J. Kelly Brito via Unsplash
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