Event type:

In person

Date & time:

01 Jun 2021, 12:00 – 13:00

VIRTUAL EVENT: Young unaccompanied asylum seekers in the UK

In this webinar, Dr Elaine Chase and Dr Rachel Rosen seek to understand youth mobilities (and immobilities) within the context of violent and discriminatory immigration systems and structures which also shape largely restrictive welfare regimes.

A street in London where two people are walking. Image: José via Unsplash
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VIRTUAL EVENT: Young unaccompanied asylum seekers in the UK

01 Jun 2021, 12:00 – 13:00

Dr Elaine Chase

Associate Professor in Education, Health Promotion and International Development

the UCL Institute of Education

Elaine’s teaching and research focus on the sociological dimensions of health, wellbeing and rights of individuals and communities, particularly those most likely to experience marginalisation and exclusion. Elaine is particularly interested in the interface between policy, practice and context.

Dr Rachel Rosen

Associate Professor

Social Research Institute, UCL Institute of Education

Rachel's research focuses on the intersections of unequal childhoods, social reproduction, and migration in neoliberal border regimes. She co-leads the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded Children Caring on the Move project.

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Rachel Benchekroun
