
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


VIRTUAL EVENT: Systemic and structural violence against women - what have we learned?

23 July 2021, 1:00 pm–2:30 pm

Hands together. Image: Fauxels via Pexels

This closing talk will present the organisers reflections on the conversational series 'Systemic and structural violence against women: learning from non-academic voices'. It will also explore the experiences of the organisations that have hosted over the past several weeks.

This event is free.

Event Information

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Aneeza Pervez

Join us in our last event to reflect on the experiences of the leaders of the organisations we invited (IWGB - Universities of London Branch, Imkaan, and Bloody Good Period) and the way they have organised themselves to address different forms of violence.

To help us think, we have an amazing guest speaker: Professor Heidi Mirza, Emeritus Professor of Equality Studies in Education at UCL Institute of Education.

This event will be particularly useful for those interested in:

  • feminism
  • black feminism
  • equality
  • violence against women.

Systemic and structural violence against women: learning from non-academic voices

The conversational series is funded by UCL Culture's Listen and Learn Grant.

Our project aims to engage in conversations with leaders of different London-based organizations that support women subjected to structural violence, who have been historically marginalised, and who have been prevented from participating in social, economic, and political life. We refer, specifically, to women in precarious work positions, Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women and girls, and Muslim women who lack the resources to be heard within academic contexts.

This series is co-organised by Aneeza Pervez, PhD student at the Department of Psychology and Human Development, UCL Institute of Education (IOE) and Rommy Anabalon Schaaf, PhD student at the Department of Culture, Media and Communication, IOE


Image: Fauxels via Pexels

About the Speakers

Professor Heidi Safia Mirza

Emeritus Professor of Equality Studies in Education at UCL Institute of Education

Professor Mirza is also Visiting Professor of Race, Faith and Culture at Goldsmith’s College, and Social Policy at London School of Economics. She is a daughter of the Caribbean Windrush Generation and is internationally known for her pioneering intersectional academic research on race, gender and identity and championing the rights of Black, Muslim, and Asian women through educational reform.

She is the author of several best-selling books including 'Black British Feminism' and 'Young Female and Black', which was voted in the top 40 most influential educational studies in Britain. Professor Mirza is a leading voice in the global debate on decolonisation and co-edited the flagship book, ‘Dismantling Race in Higher Education: Racism, whiteness and decolonising the academy’.

More about Professor Heidi Safia Mirza

Rommy Anabalon Schaaf

Fourth-year PhD candidate in Sociolinguistics at Department of Culture, Media and Communication, UCL Institute of Education

Drawing on critical sociolinguistics ethnography, Rommy's PhD project seeks to examine the role of work, education, affect and language in the (re)configuration of female subjectivities and expectations towards specific temporal and spatial horizons, which in turn, work to maintain the reproductive role to which (precarised) women have been confined in a capitalist society. 

More about Rommy Anabalon Schaaf

Aneeza Pervez

PhD student at Department of Psychology and Human Development, UCL Institute of Education

As a social psychologist, Aneeza's work has focused on belongingness and human experience. Her doctoral research work focuses on prosociality and its engagement with social relationships in middle childhood.