VIRTUAL EVENT: Hong Kong universities: navigating in unknown waters
This webinar will explore how the COVID-19 pandemic and a social movement has impacted universities in Hong Kong.

In recent decades, universities in Hong Kong have been getting noticed worldwide, acclaimed as dynamic poles of global and regional scholarly dynamics.
Since mid-2019, Hong Kong society was shaken by a social movement that divided the society of Hong Kong into two sides. As intense clashes between protesters and police occurred on university campuses, people have an impression that university students played an active role in the protests.
In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the territory, later the world, affecting universities as well.
How did these changes influence the stability, characteristics, enrolment, and development of universities in Hong Kong?
These issues will be discussed in the webinar from the perspectives of two higher education researchers (one local and one non-local), working in two different Hong Kong universities.
- Hugo Horta, University of Hong Kong
- William Yat Wai Lo, Education University of Hong Kong
Image: Asa Wang via Unsplash
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