VIRTUAL EVENT: How we support academic writing on campus and online: a social processes approach
Reflecting on more than two decades of experience in running writing groups, Rowena Murray will discuss the benefits of a social approach to writing.

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Research from the UCL Institute of Education has shown the need for innovation in writing practices for experienced and early career researchers alike.
For staff and students the act of writing is less defined than other tasks and roles usually are: while written outputs are routinely specified in activity plans, the time and space for producing them are less concrete.
To address this problem, Rowena started writer’s groups and writing retreats over 20 years ago. These privilege writing over everything else.
In her ‘typing pool’ model of writing retreat everyone writes at the same time online, onscreen, or, previously, in the same room.
They set, discuss and review specific writing goals for specific timeslots, stick to these timeslots and unplug their writing from other practices (phones, email, internet). Writing with other people opens up writing – and intellectual work – to discussion.
In this webinar, Rowena will explore her research and the benefits of a social processes approach to academic writing for staff and students.
Academic Writing Seminar Series
Monthly seminar series where speakers present research and innovations in practice, and reflect on personal and institutional experiences of academic writing.
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Image: Keira Burton via Pexels
Rowena is Professor in the School of Education and Social Sciences at the University of the West of Scotland and Head of Business Writing at Strathclyde Business School. She is a Principal Fellow of the UK’s Advance Higher Education.
She graduated with an MA (Hons) from Glasgow University and PhD from the Pennsylvania State University.
Her research focuses on academic writing, the subject of her articles and books. Her research was funded by the British Academy, Carnegie Trust, Nuffield Foundation and Strathclyde University.
She runs writing retreats and courses for academics, researchers, PhD students and others through her company, Anchorage Educational Services.
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