VIRTUAL EVENT: Reimagining childhood studies: thinking about the ethics and politics of the field
25 November 2020, 11:00 am–12:30 pm
The first in a series on reimagining childhood studies, this webinar will introduce the series and explore the challenge of reimagining childhood studies as an interdisciplinary field.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Rachel Rosen
Three well-known scholars from around the world will kick-off the discussion by offering their own perspectives on reimagining childhood studies.
The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session.
- Professor Lucia Rabello de Castro, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Professor Sharon Bessell, Australian National University
- Professor Tatek Abebe, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Reimagining childhood studies seminar series
This seminar series takes the challenge posed by the recent publication of ‘Reimagining Childhood Studies’ (Spyrou, Rosen and Cook 2019) to collectively rethink, innovate, and reimagine our field of studies in an effort to offer a substantive, renewed, and inspiring agenda for the years to come.
The series envisions becoming a platform for childhood studies by reinvigorating debate within the field and opening it up to new ways of thinking, finely tuned to the ethics and politics of this scholarly field.
Image: Life of Pix via Pexels