Student voice for improving schools: opportunities and challenges
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More and more schools are using student voice to help drive improvement. This seminar looks at the role the ‘student voice movement’ is playing in school leadership and improvement in Norway.
The ‘student voice movement’, whilst having emancipatory and democratic roots, has in recent years become part of the complex regulatory framework which schools operate within.
Whether driven by necessity or by good intentions, more and more schools are using student voice to help drive improvement. This development raises questions about the positioning of children as consumers and subsequent impacts on school communities.
This seminar explores current uses of student voice for school improvement from the perspectives of students, teachers and school leaders. It focuses on the significance of school leaders, who have the responsibility of leading school improvement.
Norway has arguably created the ideal conditions for students to be involved in improving schools, with its long-standing engagement with children’s wellbeing and rights expressed through its comprehensive framework of legislation and allocation of resources. This seminar will present and discuss findings from Norwegian schools as well as invite consideration of wider implications for research and practice in other contexts.
Wellington College via Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Mari-Ana Jones
PhD Candidate
Department of Teacher Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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