Governance of government middle schools in Beijing and Delhi
16 March 2020, 12:30 pm–2:00 pm
This event has been cancelled following the increase in the number of coronavirus cases in London. We apologise for any inconvenience.
This event is free.
Event Information
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Dr Christine Han
822UCL Institute of Education20 Bedford WayLondonWC1H 0AL
In this seminar, Dr Yan Yifei presents a more comprehensive reconceptualisation of governance that re-emphasises government’s role in providing stewardship.
A lack of accountability has been blamed for poor performance of basic education around the world. However, reforms aiming to fix it have fallen short because of a lack of conceptual clarity.
Recent research findings indicate that the government should be more like an enabler that stimulates and supports local dynamism. Dr Yan Yifei looks at the necessity to first understand what the local needs, incentive structures and capacity deficits are.
Her research highlights supportive mechanisms, such as teacher in-service training and career advancement arrangements, as vital complements to existing accountability mechanisms. It uses surveys and supplementary tools to explore how they are practiced in government middle schools in India and China. Effectiveness of support can further be understood along its incentive compatibility and ability to advance professional capacity.
Image: Matthew Henry via Unsplash
About the Speaker
Dr Yan Yifei
LSE Fellow in Social Policy at Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics