VIRTUAL EVENT: Global research in the COVID-19 pandemic
This webinar brings together leading experts on higher education and research from the UK, Europe and East Asia in which the pandemic is equally transformative but has impacted society and higher education differently.
Science and research are crucial to tackling the COVID-19 crisis. The world is witnessing a fast-growing body of research and scientific evidence is constantly shaping governmental policies and public opinions.
International organisations, reputable scientific journals, and funding bodies have been calling researchers around the world to collaborate and cooperate in an open manner. Meanwhile, the research communities are under substantial pressure during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a result of structural, cultural, geopolitical, and disciplinary challenges.
The webinar addresses two critical areas around global research and the COVID-19 pandemic:
- The global research on COVID-19: How are global research communities contributing to revolving the COVID-19 pandemic? Are we witnessing a growth in international collaboration or competition? What are the roles of humanities and social sciences research? How are the research community engaging with the policy and the public?
- Influences of COVID-19 on global research: What are the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic life and research culture? Are we witnessing a change in the research culture with more openness, kindness, inclusivity, and sustainability? Or is the globalisation of research entering a more challenging time?
Giovanni Colavizza
Giovanni is an Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities at the University of Amsterdam and a Visiting Researcher at The Alan Turing Institute, where he was a Co-investigator on the Living with Machines project and convenes the AI for Arts Special Interest Group.
Gemma Derrick
Gemma is Senior Lecturer in Higher Education at the Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation at Lancaster University. Her research focuses on research evaluation, the dynamics of knowledge production and how researchers create, conform and participate in evaluative cultures within academia.
Xin Xu (许心)
Xin is an ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), the Department of Education, and a Junior Research Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford. She completed her DPhil (PhD) in Education at Oxford Department of Education as a Clarendon Scholar. Her research expertise includes higher education, internationalisation and globalisation, and research on research.
Alis Oancea
Alis is a member of CGHE’s Research Management Committee and Professor of Philosophy of Education and Research Policy at the University of Oxford, where she is also Director of Research in the Department of Education. Her interests are in research on research and philosophy of research.
Image: Juliana Kozoski via Unsplash
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