Event type:

In person

Date & time:

15 Jun 2020 - 19 Jul 2020

Key Ideas in Mentoring Mathematics and Teaching

Kindly note that this short course has been cancelled. This online course contributes to the development of experienced mathematics teachers as mentors of early career mathematics teachers or less experienced colleagues through engagement with robust and up-to-date mathematics education research.

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Key Ideas in Mentoring Mathematics and Teaching

15 Jun 2020 - 19 Jul 2020

Dr Cosette Crisan is currently the Programme Leader of the MA in Mathematics Education programme in the Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment Department and a Principal Teaching Fellow in mathematics education. Cosette teaches on the MA Mathematics Education programme and on the Mathematics PGCE course. As part of the MA Mathematics Education programme I am involved in dissertation supervision of Masters students.

Eirini was born in Athens, Greece and stayed in Athens till she graduated from school. She studied for a 4-years undergraduate degree in Mathematics at the University of Crete, before moving to the UK to study for an MSc and a PhD degree in mathematics education at the University of Warwick. During her graduate studies and before joining the UCL Institute of Education to work as a Research Officer on the MiGen project, she taught maths in secondary school and university level. She has worked on a number of research projects (MiGen, Metafora, italk2learn, MC2), whose aim was to design, develop and evaluate digital tools for teaching and learning mathematics.

Further information





Open to



Dr Eirini Geraniou


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