Event type:

In person

Date & time:

29 Jan 2020, 17:30 – 19:15

On poetry after Auschwitz: critical theory and the case for creative education

“To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric” – or is it? The case for creative education posits that the way we engage with creative works has a direct educational bearing on our more general capacity to imagine, engage, and perceive.

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On poetry after Auschwitz: critical theory and the case for creative education

Jack Bicker

Senior Teaching Fellow in Philosophy and Education Studies

UCL Institute of Education (IOE)

Jack was previously a Teaching Associate in Philosophy and Creativity at the University of Cambridge, and has spent ten years leading education projects in both music and theatre performance, alongside work in publishing and media production. Philosophically, Jack is interested in tracing the relationship between German idealism, 20th century critical theory, and more contemporary philosophers and psychoanalysts working on questions of rationality, identity, liberation, creativity and political imagination.

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Alison Brady
