Next Steps Age 31 scientific consultative conference
The Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) is seeking input on the scientific content of the Age 31 Sweep. The aim of this open consultation is to help ensure that the data collected at age 31 is high quality and addresses key research and policy questions.
This consultative conference follows an online consultation phase. Submissions to this first phase of the consultation will form the basis of discussions at the conference. Delegates are strongly encouraged to both submit their ideas to the online consultation, and attend the consultative conference.
Find out more information on the Age 31 Sweep of Next Steps and how to take part in the online consultation. The deadline for submissions to the online consultation is Wednesday 11 December.
Life at age 31
The Age 31 Sweep provides the opportunity to collect a range of information to aid the understanding of the lives of this generation. The study aims to cover a wide range of disciplines, including population health and epidemiology, economics, sociology, demography, psychology and others. It has the potential to inform a wide range of policies including relating to labour market, education and health.
Provisional programme
Please arrive from 09:30 for refreshments and the consultation will start promptly at 10:00. Lunch will be provided with the day finishing no later than 17:00.
The event will include a series of presentations on the sweep themes, followed by interactive feedback sessions.
- Labour market experiences, education, income and assets
- Health and well-being
- Cognitive and non-cognitive skills
- Politics, identity and social participation
- Relationships, families and intra-household dynamics
Further information
Open to