Growth in Reading, Oracy and Writing - GROW@KS3 Literacy
The course will help you develop effective ways to improve literacy for low attaining students at key stage 3 (KS3).

This three-day course is based on Growth in Reading, Oracy and Writing (GROW@KS3 Literacy), a school-based literacy programme for secondary school students in Year 7 and 8 whose literacy skills are below age-related expectations.
It covers literacy assessment, reading and comprehension, working on words, and writing, including talk for writing and guiding writing. You'll be able to apply the knowledge you gain about literacy teaching to whole class teaching.
Available dates
The three-day course will run on the following dates:
- Day 1 - Thursday, 23 January 2020, 10am to 4.30pm
- Day 2 - Thursday, 30 January 2020, 10am to 4.30pm
- Day 3 - Thursday, 6 February 2020, 10am to 4.30pm
Who this course is for
The course is aimed at:
- key stage 3 (KS3) teachers
- special education needs coordinators (SENCOs)
- librarians
- higher level teaching assistants (HLTAs).
Course content
The course will support you with:
- understanding theories of literacy development for older students
- formative assessment techniques
- appropriate selection of levelled, high-interest text
- using oracy to underpin reading and writing skills
- developing strategies to build on the reciprocity of reading and writing
- the writing process, including high-impact work on grammar and text structure
- critical reflection and responsive teaching
- evaluation and reporting using standardised assessments.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, you'll have:
- gained an understanding of literacy development for older students
- learnt formative assessment techniques
- developed strategic activity across reading, oracy, writing with critical reflection and responsive teaching
- gained a deeper understanding of specific learning needs of struggling learners of secondary age.
Course structure
The course will comprise a lecture and presentation together with practical planning activities.
Entry requirements
You'll need to be a professional in the education sector working with KS3 students.
£650 per participant.
How to Book
Click on the Book Now button above where you will be taken to the GROW website page. From there you will be able to download an application form.
Image: Wellington College (Flickr)
International Literacy Centre at UCL
Helen is a National Leader in the International Literacy Centre at UCL. She has experience as a teacher, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo), and Literacy Co-ordinator. She currently supervises student research and leads teaching on the Literacy Development module of the Literacy Learning and Literacy Difficulties MA at UCL. She's a co-developer of GROW@KS3 and conducted the initial research which underpins the design of the intervention. Helen is passionate about the potential of literacy to change lives and offers professional learning which is both practical and underpinned with relevant theory and evidence.
Further information
Pre-booking essential
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