Teacher-AI Complementarity (TaiCo)
The project explores the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in complementing teachers’ skills across various educational contexts across the EU and the UK.
Image: fully AI-generated from ChatGPT-4o.
CoMOOCs for transforming professional development at scale
Research on Co-designed Massive Open Online Collaborations.
Image: Courtesy of the RELIEF Centre.
STEM education for global citizenship
A project addressing bilingual (Taiwanese-English) teaching challenges in school mathematics using innovative digital technologies.
Image: Norma Mortenson / Pexels.
CHAI – Cyber Hygiene In AI
Being Smart about Security: how we can keep safe when using smart devices in our homes.
Image: phonlamaiphoto / Adobe Stock.
Methodological Innovation in Digital Arts and Social Sciences.
Image: LUMEZIA.com / Adobe Stock.
Biohybrid Bodies
Understanding how biohybrid systems may affect our bodies, lives and societies.
Image: Ezume Images / Adobe Stock.
Transformative potential of MOOCs
Exploring the transformative potential of digital technologies for improving inclusion in higher education.
Image: .shock / Fotolia.
FAIR Data Accelerator Pilot
Exploring how digital infrastructure is changing research practices in science communities.
Image: Maximusdn / Adobe Stock.
Cornerstone Maths
A set of openly available curriculum units of work for lower secondary maths.
UCL ScratchMaths
A two-year computing and mathematics-based curriculum for Key Stage 2 pupils (Years 5 and 6).
What is a researcher? A video for children
This project aimed to develop a short, engaging video to help young children better understand research.
Image: The CYRA Service / Illustrations by Holly Smith.