Leadership and leadership development
The research in this strand aims to explore the nature and practice of leadership in the context of wider societal and policy change.
Theme leader: Professor Peter Earley
The research in this strand aims to explore the nature and practice of leadership in the context of wider societal and policy change, addressing issues such as how leaders lead learning, urban leadership, the leadership of change and issues such as collaboration and partnership.
Leadership development projects have explored issues such as fast-track development, succession planning and generational differences between leaders.
Recent Publications
Coates, M. (2018). It's doing my head in: Leading complex organisations with a Palaeolithic brain. Woodbridge: John Catt Publishing.
Higham, R. and Booth, T. (2018). Reinterpreting the authority of heads- Making space for values-led school improvement with the Index for Inclusion. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(1):140-157.
Higham, Rupert and Djohari, N. (2018). From voting to engaging: promoting democratic values across an international school network. Oxford Review of Education, published online 5 March.
Eddy-Spicer, D, Bubb, S, Crawford, M, Earley, P and James, C (2017). Headteacher performance management in England: Balancing internal and external accountability through performance leadership, Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, published online 27 November.
Male, T. and Palaiologou. I. (2017). Pedagogical leadership in action: Two case studies in English schools. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 20(6), 733-748.
SAGE video collection
Leading & Managing Change in Schools - A discussion with Prof Peter Earley & Dr Jamie Clarke.
Inspection & Accountability of Schools & Educational Networks - A discussion with Dr Melanie Ehren & Dr Jamie Clarke.
See also
- Professor Kathryn Riley (Leadership of Place)
- Dr Trevor Male (Pedagogical Leadership)
- Dr Karen Edge (Generation X Leaders)
- Dr Melanie Ehren (Accountability and Evaluation in Education)
- Professor Louise Stoll (Learning Organisations)
- Professor Toby Greany (School and System Leadership)
- Dr Ruth McGinity (Theorising Professional Practice)
- Dr Rupert Higham (Developing Responsible Leadership)