Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU)

Leaders of research into children, parenting and families since 1973.

Latest news

Nursery sector risks being damaged by large corporate takeovers
Nursery sector risks being damaged by large corporate takeovers

Nursery sector risks being damaged by large corporate takeovers

Smaller nurseries in England are being bought up by profit-focused companies, without necessarily creating more places or investing more in staff, according to a major new study led by IOE researchers.

27 Jan 2022

IOE. For Life. Celebrating 120 years of excellence.
IOE. For Life. Celebrating 120 years of excellence.

IOE. For Life. Celebrating 120 years of excellence.

I am delighted to launch IOE’s year of celebrations to mark our 120th anniversary and our record of excellence, collaboration and impact.

10 Jan 2022

UCL academics highlight what public policy can do to support working families
UCL academics highlight what public policy can do to support working families

UCL academics highlight what public policy can do to support working families

UCL Institute of Education (IOE) Professors Alison Koslowski and Margaret O’Brien have contributed to a new open-access book ‘Engaged Fatherhood for Men, Families and Gender Equality’.

18 Nov 2021

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Social Research Institute
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society
University College London
55-59 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0NU

Thomas Coram Research Unit, Woburn Square.

Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU)

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