These research projects explore the views and health care experiences of children with diabetes.
Children as partners with adults in their healthcare
What was this project about?
Children with type 1 diabetes discussed their condition and ways in which they share in managing their medical and health care with adults.
The project was funded by the Childhood Research Fund from the Social Science Research Unit, IOE.
Who was in this project?
24 children aged 3-12 years who have type I diabetes were in the project. Some children received care from inner London hospitals and some from a hospital in a commuter town in the South of England.
Managing a life-long condition such as Type 1 diabetes requires important decisions every day. Healthcare staff need to understand how best to involve and support child patients, in decision-making.
- The interviews showed that children's key goals were to be “normal” and “just get on with their lives”.
- The children described managing a complicated balance between the sometimes competing goals of social health i.e. “being normal” and physical health i.e. managing their diabetes.
- However, the interviews showed that children's experiences of diabetes meant they could make informed and “wise” decisions in their own best interests, even at a young age.
- Professor Priscilla Alderson
- Dr Katy Sutcliffe
- Alderson, P., Sutcliffe, K. and Curtis, K. (2006). Children as partners with adults in their medical care. Archives of disease in childhood, 91(4), 300–303
- Sutcliffe K., Alderson P. and Curtis, K. Children as partners in their diabetes care: an exploratory research study. London, SSRU, IOE, 2004
- Alderson, P., Sutcliffe, K., and Curtis, K. (2006). Children's consent to medical treatment. Hastings Centre Report 36: 25-34
Shared decision-making: an evidence-based approach for supporting children, parents and practitioners to manage chronic conditions
What was this project about?
Children and parents discuss how they work with each other and with health practitioners in managing diabetes care.
The Economic and Social Research Council and the Medical Research Council jointly funded the work.
Who was in this project?
11 children with diabetes aged between 7 and 15 years and 12 parents. The children were receiving care for their diabetes either from a hospital in London or one in the South East of England.
Shared decision-making means involving children and parents in the process of making healthcare decisions. It draws on healthcare practitioners' professional expertise as well as children's and parents' experience and values.
This study aimed to understand children's and parents' views about shared decision-making and the factors that support successful approaches.
Children and parents valued individualised support and sufficient time for discussion, as well as friendly and approachable practitioners who respect their opinions.
Successful partnershipsThe findings show that many children want to be involved and contribute their informed and considered opinions when discussing with practitioners. Some described how parents can support children by acting as an intermediary if children are not confident to speak up when talking to practitioners. Children and parents appreciated practitioners who made efforts to include children in discussions.
Diabetes in everyday lifeChildren described how fitting diabetes into their everyday lives can be challenging but that knowledge and experience helps them to do this. Flexible regimes that offer greater freedom and choice are valued.
- Sutcliffe, K. (2010). Shared decision-making: an evidence-based approach for supporting children, parents and practitioners to manage chronic conditions. IOE, University of London, London.
Contact us
Rosa Mendizabal-Espinosa
IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society
University College London
18 Woburn Square
London WC1H ONR
+44 (0)20 7612 6397
email: r.mendizabal@ucl.ac.uk
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