Working Papers
QSS Working Papers constitute work in progress publications. They are published to stimulate discussion and contribute to the advancement of our knowledge.
Recent copies of the Working Paper series are all available online. To view, download or print a paper just click on its title.
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
01: Does high involvement management make you work longer? Insights from linked survey and register data – Petri Bockerman, Alex Bryson, Ilari Ilmakunnas and Pekka Ilmakunnas
04: The Micro-Foundations of Employment Systems: An Empirical Case Study of Britain and France Downloads – Thomas Amosse, Alex Bryson, John Forth and Heloise Petit
03: Running Up that Hill: Fitness in the Face of Recession Downloads – Kerry Papps, Alex Bryson and James Reade
02: Gender wage gap among young adults: a comparison across British cohorts – Francesca Foliano, Alex Bryson, Heather Joshi, Bozena Wielgoszewska and David Wilkinson
01: Long COVID in the United States – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson
10: Social Diversity and Social Cohesion in Britain – Tak Wing Chan and Juta Kawalerowicz
09: Wellbeing Rankings – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson
08: Evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Teenage children of mothers who experienced out-of-home care: How are they doing? – Sam Parsons, Ingrid Schoon and Emla Fitzsimons
07: Creative Disruption – Technology innovation, labour demand and the pandemic – Erling Barth, Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen
06: The Wage Curve After the Great Recession – David Blanchflower, Alex Bryson and Jason Spurling
05: Turning Non-members into Members: Do Public Subsidies to Union Membership Matter? – Erling Barth, Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen
04: How Should We Think About Employers’ Associations? – Alex Bryson and Paul Willman
03: Accounting for firms in ethnicity wage gaps throughout the earnings distribution – Van Phan, Carl Singleton, Alex Bryson, John Forth, Felix Ritchie, Lucy Stokes and Damian Whittard
02: The Female Happiness Paradox – David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson
01: Worker Representation – Alex Bryson and John Forth
35: Taking the Pulse of Nations: A Biometric Measure of Well-being – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
34: Descriptive profile of mothers by their experience of out-of-home care in childhood: evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study – Sam Parsons and Ingrid Schoon.
33: Measuring Global Poverty – Andrea Brandolini and John Micklewright.
32: Poverty: What is it and Why do we care? – John Micklewright and Andrea Brandolini.
31: The Economics of Walking About and Predicting US Downturns – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
30: Intergenerational educational mobility – the role of non-cognitive skills – Anna Adamecz-Volgyi, Morag Henderson and Nikki Shure.
29: The Sahm Rule and Predicting the Great Recession Across OECD Countries – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
28: The Consequences of Chronic Pain in Mid-Life: Evidence from the National Child Development Survey – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
27: Did the first Covid-19 national lockdown lead to an increase in domestic abuse in London? – Chelsea Gray and Kirstine Hansen.
26: Footsie, Yeah! Share Prices and Worker Wellbeing – Alex Bryson, Andrew Clark and Colin Green.
25: The Role of the Workplace in Ethnic Wage Differentials – John Forth, Nikolaos Theodoropoulos and Alex Bryson.
24: The Economics of Walking About and Predicting Unemployment – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
23: Exploring the Reasons for Labour Market Gender Inequality a Year into the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the UK Cohort Studies – Bozena Wielgoszewska, Alex Bryson, Monica Costa-Dias, Francesca Foliano, Heather Joshi and David Wilkinson.
22: Teenage conduct problems: a lifetime of disadvantage in the labour market? – Sam Parsons, Alex Bryson and Alice Sullivan.
21: Biden, COVID and Mental Health in America – David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
20: The labor market returns to ‘first in family’ university graduates – Anna Adamecz-Völgyi, Morag Henderson and Nikki Shure.
19: Does Pain Lead to Job Loss? A Panel Study for Germany – Alan Piper, David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
18: The Myth of Teacher Shortage in India – Sandip Datta and Geeta Gandhi Kingdon.
17: Preaching to Social Media: Turkey’s Friday Khutbas and Their Effects on Twitter – Ozan Aksoy.
16: The employment destination of PhD-holders in Italy: non-academic funded projects as drivers of successful segmentation – Giulio Marini.
15: Engaging in cognitively stimulating activities and change in cognitive function: a cross-country analysis using SHARE – Andrea Cegolon and Andrew Jenkins.
14: The evolution of the association between ICT use and reading achievement in 28 countries – Francesca Borgonovi and Magdalena Pokropek.
13: Unions Increase Job Satisfaction in the United States – Ben Artz, David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
12: A review and evaluation of secondary school accountability in England: Statistical strengths, weaknesses, and challenges for ‘Progress 8’ raised by COVID-19 – Lucy Prior, John Jerrim, Dave Thomson and George Leckie.
11: The impact of religious attendance on trust, volunteering, and cooperation: A cross-lagged panel analysis with individual fixed effects – Ozan Aksoy and Dingeman Wiertz.
10: Intergenerational Earnings Mobility in Mexico – Nancy Daza Báez.
09: Joining the European Union as an advantage in science performativity. A quasi-experimental study – Giulio Marini.
08: The effect of being awardees for academic careers. ERC and FIRB recipients’ outcomes compared to ordinary academics – performances and promotions – Giulio Marini and Viviana Meschitti.
07: Class size and learning: Has India spent too much on reducing class size? – Sandip Datta and Geeta Gandhi Kingdon.
06: Gender Bias in Intra-Household Allocation of Education in India: Has it fallen over time? – Sandip Datta and Geeta Gandhi Kingdon.
05: Young videogamers and their approach to science inquiry – Francesco Avvisatti and Francesca Borgonovi.
04: The Gender Wage Gap Among University Vice Chancellors in the UK – Ray Bachan and Alex Bryson.
03: Special Ones? The Effect of Head Coaches on Football Team Performance – Alex Bryson, Babatunde Buraimo, Alex Farnell and Rob Simmons.
02: The research productivity of Chinese academic returnees from the Global West: An evaluation of Young 1000 Talents recipients’ productivity – Giulio Marini and Lili Yang.
01: The Dynamics of Relative Poverty in China in a Comparative Perspective – Tak Wing Chan.
20: Job satisfaction over the life course - David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
19: From asking to observing. Behavioural measures of socio-emotional and motivational skills in large-scale assessments - Francesca Borgonovi, Alessandro Ferrara and Mario Piacentini.
18: How does the mental health and wellbeing of teachers compare to other professions? Evidence from eleven survey datasets - John Jerrim, Sam Sims, Rebecca Allen and Hannah Taylor.
17: A Sequence-Analysis Approach to the Study of the Transition to Adulthood in Low- and Middle-Income Countries - Maria Sironi, Nicola Barban, Luca Maria Pesando and Frank F. Furstenberg.
16: Internet Access and Partnership Formation in the United States - Maria Sironi and Ridhi Kashyap.
15: Tony Atkinson's new book, Measuring Poverty Around the World. Some further reflections - Andrea Brandolini and John Micklewright.
14: Do Public Subsidies of Union Membership Increase Union Membership Rates? - Erling Barth, Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen.
13: Unemployment Disrupts Sleep - David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
12: Teacher Allocation and School Performance in Italy - Alex Bryson, Lorenzo Corsini and Irene Martelli.
11: Grammar schools: Socio-economic differences in entrance rates and the association with socio-emotional outcomes - John Jerrim and Sam Sims.
10: Grammar schools: Socio-economic differences in entrance rates and the association with socio-emotional outcomes - Executive Summary - John Jerrim and Sam Sims.
09: Measuring socio-economic background using administrative data. What is the best proxy available? - John Jerrim.
08: Now Unions Increase Job Satisfaction and Well-being - David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
07: The Persistence of Union Membership within the Coalfields of Britain - Huw Beynon, Helen Blakely, Alex Bryson and Rhys Davies.
06: Union Membership Peaks in Midlife - David G. Blanchflower and Alex Bryson.
05: Did Covid-19 lead to an increase in hate crimes towards Chinese people in London? - Chelsea Grey and Kirstine Hansen.
04: Experimental effects of an absent crowd on performance and refereeing decisions during Covid-19 - Alex Bryson, Peter Dolton, J James Reade, Dominik Schreyer and Carl Singleton.
03: Driven to succeed? Teenagers’ drive, ambition and performance on high-stakes examinations - John Jerrim, Nikki Shure and Gill Wyness.
02: Unions, Tripartite Competition and Innovation - Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen.
01: How did Spain perform in PISA 2018? New estimates of children’s PISA reading scores. – John Jerrim , Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo and Oscar D. Marcenaro Gutierrez.
11: Is Canada really an education superpower? The impact of exclusions and non-response on results from PISA 2015 – Jake Anders, Silvan Has, John Jerrim, Nikki Shure and Laura Zieger.
10: Productivity Dynamics: The Role Of Competition In A Service Industry – Thomas Breda, Alex Bryson and John Forth.
09: The gender gap in wages over the life course: evidence from a British cohort born in 1958 – Heather Joshi, Alex Bryson, David Wilkinson and Kelly Ward.
08: New evidence on teachers’ working hours in England. An empirical analysis of four datasets – Rebecca Allen, Asma Benhenda, John Jerrim and Sam Sims.
07: Are Women Doing It For Themselves? Gender Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap – Nikolaos Theodoropoulos, John Forth and Alex Bryson.
06: What does leadership look like in schools and does it matter for school performance? – Lucy Stokes, Alex Bryson and David Wilkinson.
05: Peer-review of grant proposals. An analysis of Economic and Social Research Council grant applications – John Jerrim.
04: The Impact of High-Performance Work Systems on Employees: A Sectoral Comparison – Michael White and Alex Bryson.
03: High performance work systems and public sector workplace performance in Britain – Michael White and Alex Bryson.
02: Spillovers and substitutability in production – Kerry L Papps and Alex Bryson.
01: Books or babies? Incapacitation and human capital effects of extended compulsory schooling on the teenage fertility of ethnic minority women – Anna Adamecz-Völgyi and Ágota Scharle.
10: HPWS in the Public Sector: Are There Mutual Gains? – Michael White and Alex Bryson.
09: Is Pupil Attainment Higher in Well-managed Schools? – Alex Bryson, Lucy Stokes and David Wilkinson.
08: The ''Good Workplace'': The Role of Joint Consultative Committees, Unions and HR policies in Employee Ratings of Workplaces in Britain – Michael Barry, Alex Bryson, Rafael Gomez, Bruce Kaufman, Guenther Lomas and Adrian Wilkinson.
07: What is the cost of grade retention? – Asma Benhenda.
06: Teacher Screening, On the Job Evaluations and Performance - Asma Benhenda.
05: The long-term outcomes of refugees: tracking the progress of the East African Asians - Jake Anders, Simon Burgess and Jonathan Portes.
04: The impact of management practices on SME performance - John Forth and Alex Bryson.
03: Are Schools Different? Wellbeing and Commitment Among Staff in Schools and Elsewhere - Alex Bryson, Lucy Stokes and David Wilkinson.
02: Reflections on the US College Loans System: Lessons from Australia and England - Nicholas Barr, Bruce Chapman, Lorraine Dearden and Susan Dynarski.
01: Can HRM Improve Schools' Performance? - Alex Bryson, Lucy Stokes and David Wilkinson.
15: Understanding the Social and Cultural Bases of Brexit - Tak Wing Chan, Morag Henderson, Maria Sironi and Juta Kawalerowicz.
14: How Does Terrorism Affect Individuals' Wellbeing? - Alex Bryson and George MacKerron.
13: The Twin Track Model of Employee Voice: An Anglo-American Perspective on Union Decline and the Rise of Alternative Forms of Voice - Alex Bryson, Richard Freeman, Rafael Gomez and Paul Willman.
12: Does Sick Pay Affect Workplace Absence? - Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen.
11: Union Density, Productivity, and Wages - Erling Barth, Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen.
10: Mutual Gains? Is There a Role for Employee Engagement in the Modern Workplace? - Alex Bryson.
09: Assessing the role of grammar schools in promoting social mobility - Simon Burgess, Claire Crawford and Lindsey Macmillan.
08: The Effects of Firm Size on Job Quality: A Comparative Study for Britain and France - Alex Bryson, Christine Erhel and Zinaïda Salibekyan.
07: Time To Go? Head Coach Quits and Dismissals in Professional Football - Alex Bryson, Babatunde Buraimo and Rob Simmons.
06: The private schooling phenomenon in India: A review - Geeta Gandhi Kingdon.
05: Children in jobless households across Europe: Evidence on the association with medium- and long-term outcomes - Paul Gregg, John Jerrim, Lindsey Macmillan and Nikki Shure.
04: What Happens When Econometrics and Psychometrics Collide? An Example Using PISA Data - John Jerrim, Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo, Oscar D. Marcenaro-Gutierrez and Nikki Shure.
03: Do Migrants Lower Workplace Wages? - Michael White and Alex Bryson.
02: Do Terrorist Attacks Affect Ethnic Discrimination in the Labour Market? Evidence from Two Randomised Field Experiments - Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Elisabeth Ugreninov, Tak Wing Chan, Arnfinn Midtbøen and Jon Rogstad.
01: Social Mobility and the Wellbeing of Individuals - Tak Wing Chan.
16: Does Job Support Make Workers Happy? - Petri Böckerman, Alex Bryson, Antti Kauhanen and Mari Kangasniemi.
15: Gender Differences in the Union Wage Premium? A Comparative Case Study - Alex Bryson, Harald Dale-Olsen and Kristine Nergaard.
14: High-Stakes Accountability and Teacher Turnover: how do different school inspection judgements affect teachers' decisions to leave their school? - Sam Sims.
13: School Hours and Maternal Labor Supply: A Natural Experiment from Germany - Nikki Shure.
12: What's in a Name? The Effect of Brand on the Level of English Universities' Fees - Andrew Jenkins and Alison Wolf.
11: What Role Did Management Practices Play in SME Growth Post-recession? - Alex Bryson and John Forth.
10: Explaining Cross-National Variation in Workplace Employee Representation - John Forth, Alex Bryson and Anitha George.
09: The Causal Impact of Transfers of Social Housing Stock on Educational Attainment in England - Bilal Nasim.
08: Unions and the economic basis of attitudes - Alex Bryson and Michael White.
07: The Short Run Impact of the Building Schools for the Future Programme on Attainment at Key Stage 4 - Dave Thomson.
06: Family ownership, Workplace Closure and the Recession - Alex Bryson, Harald Dale-Olsen and Trygve Gulbrandsen.
05: Health and Safety Risks in Britain's Workplaces: Where are They and Who Controls Them? - Alex Bryson.
04: Benchmarking London in the PISA rankings - John Jerrim and Gill Wyness.
03: The role of non-cognitive and cognitive skills in accounting for the intergenerational transmission of 'top job' status - Claire Tyler.
02: PISA 2012: How do results for the paper and computer tests compare? - John Jerrim.
01: When does HRM 'Work' in Small British Enterprises? - Alex Bryson and Michael White.
12: Taxonomy of A-Level Subjects According to the Expressed Preferences of Russell Group Universities: Who Does What? - Catherine Dilnot.
11: Determinants and Learning Effects of Adult Education-Training: a Cross-National Comparison Using PIAAC Data (PDF) - Andrea Cegolon.
10: Testing Means-Tested Aid - Gill Wyness.
09: Deserving poor? Are higher education bursaries going to the right students? - Gill Wyness.
08: When and why do initially high attaining poor children fall behind? - Claire Crawford, Lindsey Macmillan and Anna Vignoles.
07: The association between social housing type and children's developmental outcomes - Bilal Nasim.
06: Changes in the relationship between social housing tenure and child outcomes over time: Comparing the Millennium and British Cohort Studies - Bilal Nasim.
05: The causal effect of East Asian 'mastery' teaching methods on English children's mathematics skills? - John Jerrim.
04: The use (and misuse) of PISA in guiding policy reform: the case of Spain? - Alvaro Choi and John Jerrim.
03: Nonlinear Estimation of Lifetime Intergenerational Economic Mobility and the Role of Education - Paul Gregg, Lindsey Macmillan and Claudia Vittori.
02: Emigrants from Great Britain: what do we know about their lives? - John Jerrim.
01: Multidimensional approach to workless-ness: a matter of opportunities, social factors and individual's idiosyncrasies - Gabriella Cagliesi, Denise Hawkes and Max Tookey.
19: Student Awareness of Costs and Benefits of Educational Decisions: Effects of an Information Campaign and Media Exposure - Martin McGuigan, Sandra McNally and Gill Wyness.
18: Income inequality, intergenerational mobility and the Great Gatsby Curve: is education the key? - John Jerrim and Lindsey Macmillan.
17: Two-Sample Two-Stage Least Squares (TSTSLS) estimates of earnings mobility: how consistent are they? - John Jerrim, Alvaro Choi and Rosa Simancas Rodriguez.
16: Why do East Asian children perform so well in PISA? An investigation of Western-born children of East Asian descent - John Jerrim.
15: Disabled children's cognitive development in the early years - Samantha Parsons and Lucinda Platt.
14: Does it matter why immigrants came here? Original motives, the labour market, and national identity in the UK - Stuart Campbell.
13: Convergence or divergence? A longitudinal analysis of behaviour problems among disabled and non-disabled children aged 3 to 7 in England - Rebecca Fauth, Samantha Parsons and Lucinda Platt.
12: Moving Towards Estimating Lifetime Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the UK - Paul Gregg, Lindsey Macmillan and Claudia Vittori.
11: Bullying experiences among disabled children and young people in England: Evidence from two longitudinal studies - Stella Chatzitheochari, Samantha Parsons and Lucinda Platt.
10: Selected at seven: The relationship between teachers' judgments and assessments of pupils, and pupils' stream placements - Tammy Campbell.
09: Selective Schooling Systems Increase Inequality - Simon Burgess, Matt Dickson and Lindsey Macmillan.
08: A Pragmatic Approach to Measuring Neighbourhood Poverty Change - Ludovica Gambaro, Heather Joshi, Ruth Lupton and Mary Clare Lennon.
07: Does an aptitude test affect socioeconomic and gender gaps in attendance at an elite university? - Jake Anders.
06: Was migrating beneficial? Comparing social mobility of Turks in Western Europe to Turks in Turkey and Western European natives - Carolina V. Zuccotti, Harry Ganzeboom and Ayse Guveli.
05: Do parents matter? Occupational outcomes among ethnic minorities and British natives in England and Wales (2009-2010) - Carolina V. Zuccotti.
04: Food for Thought? Breastfeeding and Child Development - Emla Fitzsimons and Marcos Vera-Hernández.
03: Do "Child-Friendly" Practices affect Learning? Evidence from Rural India - Sushmita Nalini Das.
02: The link between family background and later lifetime incomes: how does the UK compare to other countries? - John Jerrim.
01: Education and Intergenerational Mobility: Help or Hindrance? - Jo Blanden and Lindsey Macmillan.
15: Who gets the Top Jobs? The role of family background and networks in recent graduates' access to high status professions - Lindsey Macmillan, Claire Tyler and Anna Vignoles.
14: Unofficial Development Assistance: a model of development charities' donation income - Wiji Arulampalam, Peter G. Backus and John Micklewright.
13: Teenagers' expectations of applying to university: how do they change? Jake Anders and John Micklewright.
12: Understanding income mobility: the role of education for intergenerational income persistence in the US, UK and Sweden - Paul Gregg, Jan O. Jonsson, Lindsey Macmillan and Carina Mood.
11: Matched panel data estimates of the impact of Teach First on school and department performance - Rebecca Allen and Jay Allnutt.
10: The socio-economic gradient in children's reading skills and the role of genetics - John Jerrim, Anna Vignoles, Raghu Lingam and Angela Friend.
09: Over-education among A8 migrants in the UK - Stuart Campbell.
08: Teacher Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Pupil fixed effects estimates for twelve countries - Christopher F. Hein and Rebecca Allen.
07: Identifying the drivers of month of birth differences in educational attainment - Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and Ellen Greaves.
06: The drivers of month of birth differences in children's cognitive and non-cognitive skills: a regression discontinuity analysis - Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and Ellen Greaves.
05: The impact of age within academic year on adult outcomes - Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and Ellen Greaves.
04: Money for nothing: estimating the impact of financial aid on participation in Higher Education - Lorraine Dearden, Emla Fitzsimons and Gill Wyness.
03: The mathematics skills of school children: How does England compare to the high performing East Asian jurisdictions? - John Jerrim and Alvaro Choi.
02: Learning and Wellbeing Trajectories Among Older Adults in England - Andrew Jenkins and Tarek Mostafa.
01: The role of non-cognitive and cognitive skills, behavioural and educational outcomes in accounting for the intergenerational transmission of worklessness - Lindsey Macmillan.
13: Using the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England for research into Higher Education access - Jake Anders.
12: The impact of sampling variation on peer measures: a comment on a proposal to adjust estimates for measurement error - Pedro N.Silva, John Micklewright and Sylke V. Schnepf.
11: University access for socio-economically disadvantaged children: A comparison across English speaking countries - John Jerrim and Anna Vignoles.
10: Nurse or Mechanic? The role of parental socialization and children's personality in the formation of sex-typed occupational aspirations - Javier Polavieja and Lucinda Platt (revised version of DoQSS wp 11-08).
09: The teacher labour market, teacher turnover and disadvantaged schools: new evidence for England - Rebecca Allen, Simon Burgess and Jennifer Mayo.
08: Charitable bequests and wealth at death - Tony Atkinson, Peter Backus and John Micklewright.
07: The impact of the Great Recession on the incomes of households - John Micklewright.
06: Socioeconomic gradients in children's cognitive skills: Are cross-country comparisons robust to who reports family background? - John Jerrim, John Micklewright.
05: Reducing bias due to missing values of the response variable by joint modeling with an auxiliary variable - Alfonso Miranda, Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and John W. McDonald.
04: The socio-economic gradient in teenagers' literacy skills: how does England compare to other countries? - John Jerrim.
03: The relative importance of adolescent skills and behaviours for adult earnings: A cross-national study - Kathryn Duckworth, Greg J. Duncan, Katja Kokko, Anna-Liisa Lyyra, Molly Metzger and Sharon Simonton.
02: How should we treat under-performing schools? A regression discontinuity analysis of school inspections in England - Rebecca Allen and Simon Burgess.
01: What's the link between household income and going to university? - Jake Anders.
10: Evaluating the provision of school performance information for school choice - Rebecca Allen and Simon Burgess.
09: England's "plummeting" PISA test scores between 2000 and 2009: Is the performance of our secondary school pupils really in relative decline? - John Jerrim.
08: Nurse or Mechanic? Explaining Sex-Typed Occupational Aspirations amongst Children - Javier Polavieja and Lucinda Platt.
07: Charitable Giving for Overseas Development: UK trends over a quarter century - Anthony B. Atkinson, Peter G. Backus, John Micklewright, Cathy Pharoah and Sylke V. Schnepf.
06: The effectiveness of English secondary schools for pupils of different ability levels - Lorraine Dearden, John Micklewright and Anna Vignoles.
05: Measuring school value added with administrative data: the problem of missing variables - Lorraine Dearden, Alfonso Miranda and Sophia Rabe-Hesketh.
04: Disadvantaged children's ``low'' educational expectations: Are the US and UK really so different to other industrialized nations? - John Jerrim.
03: Are girls the fairer sex in India? Revisiting intra-household allocation of education expenditure - Mehtabul Azam and Geeta Kingdon.
02: Do Performance Targets Affect Behaviour? Evidence from Discontinuities in Test Scores in England - Marcello Sartarelli.
01: The use (and misuse) of statistics in understanding social mobility: regression to the mean and the cognitive development of high ability children from disadvantaged homes - John Jerrim and Anna Vignoles.
19: An analysis of the educational progress of children with special educational needs - Claire Crawford and Anna Vignoles.
18: Akin to my teacher: Does caste, religious or gender distance between student and teacher matter? Some evidence from India - Shenila Rawal and Geeta Kingdon.
17: A cross-cohort description of young people's housing experience in Britain over 30 years: An application of Sequence Analysis - Dylan Knealem, Ruth Lupton, Polina Obolenskaya & Richard D Wiggins.
16: Missing ordinal covariates with informative selection - Alfonso Miranda and Sophia Rabe-Hesketh.
15: Policy changes in UK higher education funding, 1963-2009 - Gill Wyness.
14: Administrative Data and Economic Policy Evaluation - Lorraine Dearden.
13: Peer effects and measurement error: the impact of sampling variation in school survey data - John Micklewright, Sylke V. Schnepf & Pedro N. Silva.
12: Languages, ethnicity, and education in London - Michelle von Ahn, Ruth Lupton, Charley Greenwood & Dick Wiggins.
11: Using M-quantile models as an alternative to random effects to model the contextual value-added of schools in London - Nikos Tzavidis and James J Brown.
10: The choice between fixed and random effects models: some considerations for educational research - Paul Clarke, Claire Crawford, Fiona Steele and Anna Vignoles.
09: When you are born matters: the impact of date of birth on educational outcomes in England - Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and Costas Meghir.
08: Widening Participation in Higher Education: Analysis Using Linked Administrative Data - Haroon Chowdry, Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden, Alissa Goodman and Anna Vignoles.
07: Ethnic parity in labour market outcomes for benefit claimants in Great Britain - Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden, Alice Mesnard, Barbara Sianesi and Jonathan Shaw.
06: Why do children become disengaged from school? - Francesca Foliano, Elena Meschi and Anna Vignoles.
05: Endogenous Treatment Effects for Count Data Models with Sample Selection or Endogenous Participation - Massimiliano Bratti and Alfonso Miranda.
04: Non-response biases in surveys of school children: the case of the English PISA samples - John Micklewright, Sylke V. Schnepf and Chris Skinner.
03: The relative effectiveness of private and government schools in rural India: evidence from ASER data - Rob French and Geeta Kingdon.
02: Does school autonomy improve educational outcomes? Judging the performance of foundation secondary schools in England - Rebecca Allen.
01: A double-hurdle count model for completed fertility data from the developing world - Alfonso Miranda.
04: Can school competition improve standards? The case of faith schools in England - Rebecca Allen and Anna Vignoles.
03: What parents want: school preferences and school choice - Simon Burgess, Ellen Greaves, Anna Vignoles and Deborah Wilson.
02: The effect of monitoring unemployment insurance recipients on unemployment duration - John Micklewright and Gyula Nagy.
01: How Reliable are Income Data Collected with a Single Question? - John Micklewright and Sylke V. Schnepf.