Courses in Quantitative Social Science (QSS).
Study with us
We run the Social Sciences with Data Science BSc programme. Launched in 2016, this degree programme is also part of UCL's Q-Step centre. It gives students training in both social sciences (primarily Economics and Sociology) and quantitative data analysis.
Graduate taught
We run the Social Research Methods MSc, which provides students with advanced training in social data science and qualitative research methodology skills.
Graduate research
We also offer PhD training - including through an ESRC-financed Doctoral Training Centre in Quantitative Methods.
Applications to undertake PhD training or post doctoral research in any of our areas of interest are welcome. There is a lively environment with a range of opportunities to acquire cutting-edge skills in research methods and to tackle substantive research questions across the social sciences.
Short courses
We also offer short courses for professional development in research methods and in use of various data resources, including the birth cohorts.
Contact us
Quantitative Social Science (QSS)
Social Research Institute
IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society
University College London
20 Bedford way
London WC1H 0AL