NPQLTD: National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development

For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers, curriculum leads, mentors or trainees in their school.

I found the reading in this module particularly interesting and it made me consider and question how we deliver our CPD, particularly INSET days. It was very interesting to read how other schools have explored and implemented their observation and appraisal changes and is something that I will take back to school with me. I also found exploring the models interesting as they provided a clearer platform for delivering my own CPD. It prompted me to re-familiarise myself with the ECT program currently being delivered in my setting and how we could be better supporting our ECTs. "Participant Autumn 2022

Great to meet other practitioners and share our experiences, challenges and successes with a view to self-developing. The course has made me consider other perspectives on features of teaching practice which I just took for granted. Leadership accreditation will look brilliant on your C.V. and the expert course leaders are welcoming, engaging and entertaining."Participant