Hello and welcome to ESO

ESO is a freely available online parent-child interaction tool. It provides an online drawing canvas for parents and children to complete a joint task. Using video calls, you will observe your participants interacting with each other during the task, while your participants will be able to see and control the ESO drawing canvas (see pictures). ESO thus provides observations of parents and children in their own homes without the need for travel or in-person contact.

Using ESO with your families is easy:

  • Once you register, you are given a personalized ESO link to share with your families
  • Use your preferred video-calling platform to meet your families and set them up with ESO
  • Record the parent-child interactions if needed and according to your ethical approvals
  • ESO controls can be touchscreen 'buttons' or keyboard. Control options are selected on first accessing the canvas*.
Further information about ESO - including full protocol and instructions - is available in the original validation paper (Oliver & Pike, 2021)*. Instructions for using ESO with video software are here.

Kindly cite this paper when reporting your ESO results:
Oliver, B. R. & Pike, A. (2021). Introducing a novel online observation of parenting behavior: reliability and validation. Parenting, 21(2), 168-183. https://doi.org/10.1080/15295192.2019.1694838

*Validation is currently available for the ESO prototype, which was controlled by the keyboard only. The touchscreen remains as similar in functionality to the keyboard version as possible.
Contact: If you have any questions, want to know about ESO flexibility for other interactions, or would like any tips, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Dr Bonamy R. Oliver, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society
Email: b.oliver@ucl.ac.uk; Twitter: bonamyoliver
For more information about me and a pre-print version of the paper, please visit here

Demo Version

Try ESO without registering

Plain Screenshot