UPMAP Publications
Reports and related documents from the Understanding Participation rates in post-16 Mathematics And Physics (UPMAP) project.
UPMAP documents Publications 2016 2015 2014 2013 2011 2010
UPMAP documents
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- Mujtaba, T. & Reiss, M. J. (in press) 'I fall asleep in class … but physics is fascinating'; the use of large-scale longitudinal data to explore the educational experiences of aspiring girls in mathematics and physics. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. DOI: 10.1080/14926156.2016.1235743
- Mujtaba, T. & Reiss, M. J. (2016) Girls in the UK have similar reasons to boys for intending to study mathematics post-16 thanks to the support and encouragement they receive. London Review of Education, 14, 66–81. DOI: 10.18546/LRE.14.2.05
- Mujtaba, T., Reiss, M. J., Rodd, M. Simon, S. (2015) Methodological issues in mathematics education research when exploring issues around participation and engagement. In: Large-Scale Studies in Mathematics Education, Middleton, J. A., Cai, J. & Hwang, S. (Eds), Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 335–362.
- Sheldrake, R., Mujtaba, T. & Reiss, M. J. (2015) Students' intentions to study non-compulsory mathematics: the importance of how good you think you are. British Educational Research Journal, 41, 462–488. DOI:10.1002/berj.3150
- Mujtaba, T., & Reiss, M. (2014). A survey of psychological, motivational, family and perceptions of physics education factors that explain 15 year-old students' aspirations to study post-compulsory physics in English schools. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 12(2), 371–393. 10.1007/s10763-013-9404-1
- Sheldrake, R., Mujtaba, T., & Reiss, M. (2014). Calibration of self-evaluations of mathematical ability for students in England aged 13 and 15, and their intentions to study non-compulsory mathematics after age 16. International Journal of Educational Research, 64, 49–61. 10.1016/j.ijer.2013.10.008
- Rodd, M., Mujtaba, T., & Reiss, M. (2014). Qualified, but not choosing STEM at university: unconscious influences on choice of study. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 14(4), 330–345.
- Mujtaba, T., & Reiss, M. J. (2013). What sort of girl wants to study physics after the age of 16?: Findings from a large-scale UK survey. International Journal of Science Education, 35(17), 2979–2998. 10.1080/09500693.2012.681076
- Mujtaba, T., & Reiss, M. (2013). Inequality in experiences of physics education: Secondary school girls' and boys' perceptions of their physics education and intentions to continue with physics after the age of sixteen. International Journal of Science Education, 35(11), 1824–1845. 10.1080/09500693.2012.762699
- Rodd, M., Reiss, M., & Mujtaba, T. (2013). Undergraduates talk about their choice to study physics at university: what was key to their participation? Research in Science and Technological Education, 31(2), 153–167. 10.1080/02635143.2013.811072
- Mujtaba, T., & Reiss, M. (2013). Factors that lead to the positive and negative stress in secondary school teachers of mathematics and science. Oxford Review of Education, 39(5), 627–648.
- Rodd, M. (2011). Mathematics but and yet: undergraduates narratives about decision making. In C. Smith (Ed.), Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. (1 ed., Vol. 31, pp. 132–137). British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.
- Reiss, M., Hoyles, C., Mujtaba, T., Riazi Farzad, B., Rodd, M., Simon, S., & Stylianidou, F. (2011). Understanding participation rates in post-16 mathematics and physics: conceptualising and operationalising the UPMAP project. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(2), 273–302. 10.1007/s10763-011-9286-z
- Rodd, M. (2011). Participation in undergraduate mathematics: choices and defences. In K. Kislenko (Ed.), Current State Of Research On Mathematical Beliefs XVI. (pp. 237–254). Tallinn, Estonia: Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
- Rodd, M., Mujtaba, T., & Reiss, M. (2010). Participation in mathematics post-18: undergraduates' stories. 175–182.
- Reiss, M. How can we get more students to study mathematics or physics? – The UPMAP Project [File
Key facts
- Department: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment
- Project dates: April 2008 – September 2011
- Project team: Michael Reiss, Celia Hoyles, Tamjid Mujtaba, Bijan Riazi Farzad, Melissa Rodd, Shirley Simon, Fani Stylianidou, Richard Sheldrake
- Funder: Economic and Social Research Council
Related links
- ESRC Targeted Initiative on Science and Mathematics Education
- ASPIRES (Science Aspirations and Career Choice: Age 10–14) – KCL
- ICCAMS (Increasing Competence and Confidence in Algebra and Multiplicative Structures)
- EISER (Enactment and Impact of Science Education Reform) – Leeds
- epiSTEMe (Effecting Principled Improvement in STEM Education: Student Engagement and Learning in Early Secondary-School Physical Science and Mathematics) – Cambridge
- What sort of girl wants to study physics after the age of 16?