The Student Grouping Study: Investigating the impact of setting and mixed-attainment grouping

Investigating the impact of mixed attainment grouping and setting on outcomes in mathematics for students aged 11-13.

Opportunities to learn maths in lockdown were limited, research shows
Opportunities to learn maths in lockdown were limited, research shows

Opportunities to learn maths in lockdown were limited, research shows

Lockdown restricted the opportunity to learn mathematics for most pupils, with low attainers and other disadvantaged pupils facing greater restrictions, new research by UCL Institute of Education (IOE) and Queen’s University Belfast reveals.

21 Sep 2020

Attainment grouping and maths: learning from mistakes
Attainment grouping and maths: learning from mistakes

Attainment grouping and maths: learning from mistakes

A look at how the evidence can help schools make informed decisions about the ways they group students and work towards equity and improving their life chances.

24 Aug 2020

Classes set by ability are hitting children’s self-confidence, study finds
Classes set by ability are hitting children’s self-confidence, study finds

Classes set by ability are hitting children’s self-confidence, study finds

The way a vast amount of schools are setup, with classes grouping children based on their ability, is severely affecting pupils' self-confidence, new research by UCL Institute of Education (IOE) reveals.

17 Jun 2020

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