Courses in the Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment.
Study with us
We host top-rated initial teacher education programmes, innovative MA courses, diverse doctoral studies and a wide range of continuing professional development opportunities.
Our student population is very diverse: students on initial teacher education courses, practising teachers and a rich and diverse range of international students.
Teacher training
- PGCE Biology
- PGCE Business Education
- PGCE Chemistry
- PGCE Citizenship
- PGCE English with Drama
- PGCE Geography
- PGCE History
- PGCE Mathematics
- PGCE Physics with Mathematics
- PGCE Primary (Specialist Mathematics full-time)
- PGCE Psychology
- PGCE Religious Education
- PGCE Social Science
Graduate taught
- Advanced Educational Practice Grad Dip
- Education (Advanced Practice) MA
- Education (Assessment) MA
- Education (Citizenship) MA
- Education (Geography) MA
- Education (History) MA
- Education (Literacy) MA
- Education (Science) MA
- Education MA
- Global Learning MA
- Mathematics Education MA
Graduate research
- Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment EdD
- Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment MPhil/PhD
- Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment with integrated research methods training MPhil/PhD
Short courses
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Contact us
Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment
IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society
University College London
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL