Completed research
The UCL Knowledge Lab has led an extensive range of research projects about technology, education, media and society.
- Biohybrid Bodies
- UnLocke
- What is a researcher? A video for children
- STEM education for global citizenship
- Cornerstone Maths
- ScratchMaths
- Move2Learn
- Move2Learn4Teachers
- Building Back Better: Developing new hybrid learning spaces for post-pandemic higher education
- Digital Transformation of Science Communities: The Case of the Astronomy Community
- Visualisation Technology for Eco-Schools
- UCL Moving to Online Teaching and Homeworking (MOTH)
- D4D
- iHUB4Schools
- Play Observatory
- Enabling optimal antimicrobial use in East Africa
- Fleming Fund AMR
- Digital HE in Kenya (pdf)
- WeDraw
- Drops
- iRead
- Playing the Archive
- Cornerstone Maths
- Playing out with the internet of things (IoT)
- Edurio
- The Learning Designer
- Blended Learning Essentials MOOCs: Getting Started and Embedding Practice
- ScratchMaths: supporting computational and mathematical thinking through programming
- SCARLET - Scaffolding Rich Learning Experiences through Technology
- GeoSciTeach: A geo-spatial application scientific fieldwork activity
- Designing Tangibles for Learning
- M C Squared
- TARDIS: Training young Adult's Regulation of Emotions and Development of Social Interaction Skills
- Metafora: Learning to learn together
- Developing teachers' mathematical knowledge through computer-embedded activities
- NEXT-TELL: Next Generation Teaching, Education and Learning for Life
- Bridging the gap: Fostering Cross-curricular Geoweb Technology Use in Education
- Homework
- UPMAP: Understanding Participation rates in post-16 Mathematics
- CoMo: Supporting collaborative group work using mobile phones in distance education
- Taking on teenagers
- ReMATH: Representing mathematics with digital media
- iClass
- Playing Beowulf: Gaming the Library (See more: Beowulf research feature)
- MiGEN: Intelligent Support for Mathematical Generalisation
- Multimodal communication: the case of the operating theatre
- MODE: Multimodal methodologies for digital environments
- ECHOES II: Improving Children's Social Interaction Through Exploratory Learning in a Multimodal Environment
- Transient teams in the operating theatre: a case study of changing social and economic contexts for clinical communication
- Montage, Mash-up and Machinima
- In-hospital resuscitation under the microscope: Analysing inter-professional communication using video
- iTalk2learn
- SHARE-IT: School-Home Autism Research Environment through Intelligent Technologies
- Digital Museums: studying visitor experiences
- Children's Playground Games and Songs in the New Media Age
- Learning from Online Worlds; Teaching in Second Life
- Making Games
- Jacob - A Game about Life
- Panopticon Pandemonium
- iReact: Persuasive mobile tech for emotional regulation
- iLearnRW: Integrated Intelligent Learning Environment for Reading and Writing
- SafeReads: A productivity tool for learners with dyslexia
- Alternative Futures: Disability and Community
- Understanding and communicating the lived experience of people facing severe and multiple disadvantage in the UK
- TESSA: UK-India intercultural knowledge transfer in technology enhanced school and home support for autism spectrum conditions
- SHAPE: Shaping the future of technology use in the classroom
- FLIP: Flipped Learning in Praxis
- Digital interventions for dyscalculia and low numeracy
- eMEL: The European Media Education Lab
- Electricomics
- Shoot Smart: Pedagogies for film production with learners
- Re-Program, Re-Play, Rewind: an alternative history of computer game creation in 1980s Britain
- Playing Shakespeare
- Digital Games: Representations of disability
- Story Engine
- Digital technology, learning and game formats: Computer games, motivation and gender
- Innovative Teaching and Learning
See also: