Hear what a range of teachers, headteachers and advisers have to say about Cornerstone Maths.
Media coverage
- Press release: 7 November 2013 – Cornerstone Maths: Secondary School Maths Teaching Joins the Digital Age (pdf)
- Next Gen Skills – Michael Gove's BETT 2012 Conference keynote
- The Guardian, 10 January 2012: Technological innovations could revolutionise classroom learning
Evidence from the project school classrooms
Latifa Salmoun, Head of Maths at Stratford School Academy describes her school's involvement with Cornerstone Maths and its impacts so far.
Samuel Ikhinmwin, formerly of Langdon Park School, London, describes his personal involvement with Cornerstone Maths during his early years of teaching – and its impacts on his classroom practice.
Published research
- Clark-Wilson, A., & Hoyles, C. (2019). A research-informed web-based professional development toolkit to support technology-enhanced mathematics teaching at scale. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 102(3), 343-359. doi:10.1007/s10649-018-9836-1
- Clark-Wilson, A., & Hoyles, C. (2019). From curriculum design to enactment in technology enhanced mathematics instruction—Mind the gap! International Journal of Educational Research, 94, 66-76. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2018.11.015
- Clark-Wilson, Alison, & Hoyles, Celia (2017). Dynamic digital technology for dynamic maths [Final report for the Nuffield Foundation]. London: UCL Institute of Education
- Clark-Wilson, Alison, & Hoyles, Celia (2017). . London: UCL Institute of Education
- Clark-Wilson, Alison, Hoyles, Celia, & Noss, Richard. (2013). Cornerstone Maths: Designing for Scale. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Day Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 8th June 2013, 32(2), 13–18
- Clark-Wilson, A., Hoyles, C., Noss, R., Vahey, P., & Roschelle, J. (2015). Scaling a technology-based innovation: Windows on the evolution of mathematics teachers' practices. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(1). doi: 10.1007/s11858-014-0635-6
- Clark-Wilson, A; Hoyles, C and Noss, R (2015) Conceptualising the scaling of mathematics teachers' professional development concerning technology. In: Krainer, K and Vondrová, N, (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. (pp. pp. 2333–2339). European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: Prague, Czech Republic. (2015)
- Hoyles, Celia, Noss, Richard, Vahey, Phil, & Roschelle, Jeremy. (2013). Cornerstone Mathematics: Designing digital technology for teacher adaptation and scaling. ZDM Mathematics Education, 45(7), 1057–1070
- Sturman, L, & Cooper, L. (2012). . Berkshire. (PDF)