
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Sensory and physical impairment

Fun activities to support children and young people during holidays.

Boy playing outside. Image: Thgusstavo Santana from Pexels

We have compiled a list of helpful ideas related to:

Visual and tactile timetables

If visual timetables need revisiting, a break in the school schedule could be a good opportunity to reinforce their use. 

You may need to start from the beginning, involving your child in as much of the process of designing them (pictures, images or photos), making them, and sharing in the responsibility of initiating their use throughout the day. 

The advantage of reinvigorating use of visual or tactile calendars during holidays is that you are using fun activities to reinforce a new routine.

Introduction to using visual schedules

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Learning through play

Use play to stimulate talk. The Communication Trust offers a range of resources to help you with that:

Philosophy as play

Debates and discussions can be great fun. This IOE blog article is full of great ideas to stimulate lively conversation during lockdown:

Whole family play

A range of ideas for games and activities for children with disabilities:

At-home experiment ideas for all ages and abilities:

Fun lockdown activities for all ages:

Play and wellbeing

Playfulness and movement: BBC Bitesize have compiled some interesting ideas for increasing physical activity for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities:

A glimpse into how play can be used therapeutically. This activity can be carried out with an adult trusted by the child, to help understand loss and bereavement:

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