Our goals
We are one of the most unequal countries in the developed world, in terms of outcomes and opportunities.
Our multidisciplinary work seeks to reduce these inequalities:
- We identify barriers to opportunity in under-explored areas, using innovative methods and thinking, and co-producing evidence-led policy solutions to reduce barriers to opportunities.
- We offer insight and impact at every stage of the life course, through the centre’s four main research streams: early years, schools, tertiary, and adulthood.
Our approaches
- We research previously unanswerable questions, through innovative data collection and analysis.
- We evaluate policies and programmes by designing, implementing, and analysing Randomised Control Trials (RCTs) and Quasi-Experimental Designs (QEDs).
- We address novel questions in under-researched areas using existing large scale data from administrative sources, and from our rich birth cohort studies.
More about our approaches.

Our cutting-edge research seeks to inform evidence-led policy and practice to equalise opportunities.

CEPEO Annual Lecture and Seminar Series
The Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO) hosts an annual lecture and an online research seminar series, where guest speakers present cutting edge research.

COVID Social Mobility and Opportunities Study (COSMO)
This major new youth cohort study is providing vital new evidence on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected socio-economic inequalities in life chances.
What's on
View all centre events06 Mar

Get in touch
Department of Learning and Leadership
IOE – Faculty of Education and Society
University College London
20 Bedford Way
London, WC1H 0AL