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The Team in the Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities.

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UCL Library. Image: Mat Wright for UCL


Our cutting-edge research seeks to inform evidence-led policy and practice to equalise opportunities.

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Entrance of the IOE faculty building

CEPEO Annual Lecture and Seminar Series

The Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO) hosts an annual lecture and an online research seminar series, where guest speakers present cutting edge research. 

Navigate to COVID Social Mobility and Opportunities Study (COSMO)
Logo of shades of green and white with the words "COSMO COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities Study"

COVID Social Mobility and Opportunities Study (COSMO)

This major new youth cohort study is providing vital new evidence on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected socio-economic inequalities in life chances.

Latest news

IOE education experts join newly established DfE Science Advisory Council
IOE education experts join newly established DfE Science Advisory Council

IOE education experts join newly established DfE Science Advisory Council

Three IOE academics are among a team of 12 independent experts appointed to the UK government Department for Education's newly established Science Advisory Council.

29 Oct 2024

Social segregation increases where primary free schools open
Social segregation increases where primary free schools open

Social segregation increases where primary free schools open

On average, social segregation of students has increased in neighbourhoods where mainstream primary free schools opened, and neighbouring schools have lost students, finds IOE researchers.

19 Aug 2024

Improving childcare and early years education
Improving childcare and early years education

Improving childcare and early years education

What changes would benefit the early years education system? And what’s it like dealing with government and parliament to make funding and policy changes possible?

15 Jul 2024

Get in touch

Department of Learning and Leadership
IOE – Faculty of Education and Society
University College London
20 Bedford Way
London, WC1H 0AL