Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities

We create cutting-edge research focused on equalising opportunities across the life course. Our work seeks ways to improve education policy and wider practices to achieve this goal.

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Professor Lindsey Macmillan
Lindsey Macmillan Professor

Professor Lindsey Macmillan

Lindsey is Professor of Economics at UCL and the Director of the Centre. Her academic career has been dedicated to understanding educational inequalities and social immobility.

Professor Gillian Wyness
Gillian Wyness Associate Professor

Professor Gillian Wyness

Gillian is a Professor of Economics of Education and Deputy Director of the Centre. She leads our tertiary and adulthood workstreams.

Professor Jake Anders
Professor Jake Anders

Professor Jake Anders

Jake is Professor of Quantitative Social Science and Deputy Director of the Centre. He leads our early years and schools workstreams.

Professor Claire Crawford
IOE Building

Professor Claire Crawford

Claire is Professor of Economics. Her research focuses on the determinants and consequences of participation in childcare and education, for both children and their families.

Dr Sam Sims
Samuel Sims Research Fellow

Dr Sam Sims

Sam is a Quantitative Education Researcher interested in teachers and education policy. His research provides insights into how school leadership and teacher effectiveness can improve outcomes.

Dr Laura Outhwaite
Laura Outhwaite Researcher

Dr Laura Outhwaite

Laura is a Psychology and Education Researcher. She is interested in child development and learning, educational technology and mixed-methods evaluation methodologies.

COVID Social Mobility and Opportunities Study (COSMO)
Logo of shades of green and white with the words "COSMO COVID Social Mobility & Opportunities Study"

COVID Social Mobility and Opportunities Study (COSMO)

This major new youth cohort study is providing vital new evidence on how the COVID-19 pandemic affects socio-economic inequalities in life chances.

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Poverty’s impact on mental health, food insecurity and academic performance
Poverty’s impact on mental health, food insecurity and academic performance

Poverty’s impact on mental health, food insecurity and academic performance

This podcast hears how mental health and life chances of young people and their parents are being dramatically affected by post-pandemic cost of living pressures.

27 Nov 2023

How to find a maths learning app you can count on for your kids
How to find a maths learning app you can count on for your kids

How to find a maths learning app you can count on for your kids

This podcast hears about research evidence focused on the role of apps in early education.

18 Sep 2023

No evidence grammar school systems are best for the brightest
No evidence grammar school systems are best for the brightest

No evidence grammar school systems are best for the brightest

The UK’s brightest pupils’ chances of getting top GCSE grades are actually lower in grammar schools than in comprehensives, according to a major new piece of research involving UCL researchers.

29 Aug 2023

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Get in touch

Department of Learning and Leadership
IOE – Faculty of Education and Society
University College London
20 Bedford Way
London, WC1H 0AL