Centre for Education and Criminal Justice
A knowledge hub for practitioners, policymakers and researchers to collaborate and deliver best practice and evidence in the field.
Co-Directors: Professor John Vorhaus and Dr Keri Wong
We engage with:
- education in a broad sense - formal, informal and non-formal education, training and learning
- the life course as a whole - a developmental approach to understanding the relationship between education, offending and desistance
- rights and justice - the rights of prisoners as citizens and learners entitled to high-quality and diverse learning opportunities.
The centre was formerly known as Centre for Education in the Criminal Justice System (CECJS).
- Professor John Vorhaus
- Dr Keri Wong
Advisory group
- Jane Hurry, Emeritus Professor
- Dave Maguire, Prison Reform Trust
- Lynne Rogers, Reader in Education, Co-Director of the Centre for Post-14 Education and Work
- Anita Wilson, Prison Ethnographer.
Honorary affiliated advisors
- Andreas Aresti, Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Westminster
- Angela Herbert, Director of Inside Out Transformational Coaching Solutions.
We have benefited from the generous support from:
- British Academy
- CfBT
- City and Guilds Centre for Skills Development
- Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) / National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE)
- Department for Education and Skills
- Higher Education Funding Council
- Mary Kinross Charitable Trust
- Sir John Cass's Foundation
- The Bell Foundation
- The National Offender Management Service
- UKRI Research England
- Youth Justice Board
- 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust.
We are a teaching hub for undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in education within the criminal justice system.
For undergraduate students we offer a module introduction to Criminal Journeys, exploring views on what constitutes crime, how people become involved in the criminal justice system and what that involvement looks like.
- Lenoir, R., & Wong, K. K. Y. (2023). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people from black and mixed ethnic groups’ mental health in West London: a qualitative study. BMJ open, 13(5), e071903
- Maguire, D. 2021. Male, Failed, Jailed. Palgrave McMillan.
- Wong, K. K. Y., Francesconi, M., & Flouri, E. (2021). Internalizing and externalizing problems across childhood and psychotic-like experiences in young-adulthood: The role of developmental period. Schizophrenia Research, 231, 108-114.
- Portnoy, J., Bedoya, A., & Wong, K. K. Y. (2021). Child Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior and Parental Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic. UCL Open: Environment Preprint.
- Wong, K. K. Y. (2020). Schizophrenia and Crime. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, 4575-4580.
- Vorhaus, J. (2021). Bringing People Down: Degrading Treatment and Punishment. New Criminal Law Review. 24.3: 433-466.
- Intensive English and maths provision in prisons: pilot evaluation in 6 prisons, with NIACE, for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
- Hurry, J., Lawrence, P., Wilson, A., & Plant, J. (2013). Evaluation of 'Write to be Heard", a project on writing in prison, commissioned by National Offender management Service (NOMS), led by the Arts Alliance
- Rogers, L., Simonot, M., & Nartey, A. (2014). Prison Educators: Professionalism Against the Odds (PDF). London: UCU.
- Analysis of youth offenders' occupational identities and its relationship to subsequent offending patterns
- An assessment of the English and maths skills levels of prisoners in England
- Martin Luther King "Now is the time" - His Dream to Influence Education Today by Angela Herbert
- Vorhaus, J. (2014). Prisoners’ right to education. London Review of Education. 12.2: 162-174.
- Rogers, L. (2016) Disengagement from Education. London: Trentham Books IOE Press.
- Hurry, J. and Rogers, L. Eds (2014) Education, training and employment in prison and post-release. Special Edition, London Review of Education, 12(2).
- Rogers, L., Hurry, J., Simonot, M., & Wilson, A. (2014) The aspirations and realities of prison education for under-25s in the London area, London Review of Education, 12(2), 184–196.
To find out more about our researchers and publications go to:
- Rehabilitation and reintegration support for ex-offenders in Singapore – Yellow Ribbon Singapore
- Turning a new leaf: Exploring employment stigma, support, and opportunities for ex-convicts
- Starting Young: How does education shape criminal justice?
- How can we prevent sexual violence in adolescents?
- The quest for desistance: Implementing educational programmes for inmates
- Prison life and creative arts: What can they offer to enhance education?
- Where next for prison education and educators?
- Crime prevention: Where do we start and end?
- Deficits to assets: Re-imagining a strength-based model of prison education
- Can biosocial criminology enhance crime prevention strategies and help the youth justice system?
- How can analysis and diagnosis help us to prevent sexual offending?
- How can the implementation and statistical assessment of programmes supporting prisoners and prison leavers contribute to remediating reoffending?
- In what ways can technology reach and impact inmates?
- The Lammy Review (2017) and beyond: What can we do to address race equality in criminal justice?
- Reintegration: What can we learn from a central London prison?

How do I get that next job? Start with these steps!
In this episode, hosts Dr Keri Wong and Dr Alina Pelikh dive into the particular and sometimes daunting process of job interviews within academia.
23 Jul 2024

Young people showed resilience and adaptive coping strategies emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic
While challenging Black and mixed ethnic young people’s mental health, pandemic experiences helped develop positive responses to adversity, reports new research by BSc alumna from IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society.
12 May 2023

IOE staff top student choice categories in the 2022 UCL Education Awards
Congratulations to Dr Keri Wong and Dr Wayne Holmes, who were nominated by students and won awards for Active Student Partnership and Brilliant Research-Based Education respectively.
09 Jun 2022
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Department of Psychology and Human Development
IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society
University College London
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL