Cohort and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources (CLOSER)
CLOSER, the home of longitudinal research, brings together eight world-leading longitudinal studies with participants born throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.
Director: Professor Alison Park
Our work maximises the use, value and impact of these, and other, longitudinal studies to help improve our understanding of key social and biomedical challenges.
How CLOSER is making a difference:
Enabling change over time and across generations to be better understood
CLOSER is bringing longitudinal data together in a consistent format - a process known as data harmonisation. This is allowing longitudinal researchers to compare data from different studies for the first time, revealing how and why the country is changing over time - and what this means for the future. Read more about data harmonisation
Enhancing insights through data linkage
CLOSER is leading research to link data held by government to survey data collected by longitudinal studies. Linking this data enables researchers to gain rich insights into how different aspects of people's lives interrelate. Read more about data linkage
Helping researchers find data
CLOSER's search engine, CLOSER Discovery enables researchers to search and browse questionnaires and data from the UK's leading longitudinal studies to find out what data are available. This is opening up new opportunities for working together across different longitudinal studies. Explore CLOSER Discovery
Training the longitudinal community
CLOSER provides training and capacity building opportunities for experienced researchers and those running longitudinal studies. The CLOSER Learning Hub has information and resources aimed at those in academia, government and the third sector who are new to longitudinal studies, to help them better understand the value of the studies and how to use the data. Read more about the CLOSER Learning Hub and view our latest training events
Funding research projects
CLOSER funds research projects that use longitudinal data to investigate a wide range of areas of interest, including obesity, physical activity, mental health, and ageing. Many of the research projects CLOSER funds are creating harmonised datasets, improving data linkage or developing other resources for the wider longitudinal research community. Read more about the research we fund
Maximising the impact of longitudinal research
CLOSER is working to achieve the greatest possible impact for CLOSER's outputs, activities and studies. CLOSER does this by influencing government, producing longitudinal resources for the academic community and funding research that addresses the biomedical, social, economic and environmental challenges facing the UK. Read more about how CLOSER maximises research impact
CLOSER is run by a group of researchers and professionals based at leading academic institutions and data management centres.
CLOSER staffAlison Park, Director
Jennifer Blows, Communications and Events Assistant
Ryan Bradshaw, Communications Officer
Rob Davies, Public Affairs Manager
Charles De Barros, Programmer
Hayley Mills, Metadata Officer
Jon Johnson, Technical Lead
Simon Knowles, Communications Manager
Dara O'Neill, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Jonathan Tebbett, Project Manager
Michaela Benzeval, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Essex
Rebecca Hardy, University College London
Lynn Molloy, Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
Alison Park, UCL Institute of Education
Allan Sudlow, British Library
Michaela Benzeval, Institute for Social & Economic Research, University of Essex
Andrew Boyd, University of Bristol
Lisa Calderwood, UCL Institute of Education
Cyrus Cooper, MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit
Louise Corti, UK Data Service
Elaine Dennison, University of Southampton
Emla Fitzsimons, UCL Institute of Education
Alissa Goodman, UCL Institute of Education
Rebecca Hardy, MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at UCL
Hazel Inskip, MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit
Lynn Molloy, University of Bristol
Alison Park, UCL Institute of Education
Amanda Sacker, International Centre for Lifecourse Studies, UCL
Allan Sudlow, British Library
Alice Sullivan, UCL Institute of Education
Veerle Van den Eynden, UK Data Service
Find more about our researchers, publications, activities, groups and themes: UCL Research Portal, IRIS
The UCL Institute of Education's Department of Social Science (DSS) is one of CLOSER leading partners. The collaboration currently includes 8 studies, as well as the British Library and the Economic and Social Data Service.
- Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (Children of the 90s)
- 1970 British Cohort Study
- Hertfordshire Cohort Study
- Millennium Cohort Study (Child of the New Century)
- 1958 National Child Development Study
- 1946 MRC National Survey of Health and Development
- Southampton Women's Survey
- Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study
Contact us
Cohort and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources (CLOSER)
UCL Institute of Education
University College London
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL
Tel: +44 (0)20 7331 5102
Related links
Website: Cohort and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources (CLOSER)