WEISS Hold First 'Virtual Visit' for Computer Vision News
15 May 2020
In May we hosted our first WEISS 'virtual visit', giving Computer Vision News the chance to learn about our work & speak to members of the team for a two-part 'Lab of the Month' feature. Hear more about how it went in our post by Su-Lin Lee, WEISS Head of Operations.

It was mid-March when we were told that Charles Bell House would close and we were sent home to work remotely during the COVID-19 lockdown. Since then almost all WEISS activities have been moved online, not entirely without a hitch or two, but we’re now working to a new normal, with research, meetings and even tea breaks and socials being conducted online.
This week we had a new virtual first for WEISS – a virtual visit! We hosted Ralph Anzarouth of Computer Vision News here and he spent the week online with various WEISS members, learning about the medical imaging and computer vision research conducted at the Centre. He’s now written about his visit in a two-parter in the magazine.
During his ‘visit’ Ralph had video calls with various members of the WEISS team, learning more about their work and how the Centre creates added value to research activity. He couldn’t visit in person for a tour and a chat over a hot drink but we were able to conduct video calls, show him our annual report, and provide images instead.
The first article, with an introduction to WEISS by Head of Operations Dr Su-Lin Lee and an interview with WEISS Director Prof Dan Stoyanov, can be read here.
The second part of the visit will be in the next (June 2020) issue of the magazine and will feature interviews with WEISS Fellow Dr Ester Bonmati-Coll and Lecturers Dr Yipeng Hu and Dr Francisco Vasconcelos. Subscribe here to have the edition sent straight to your inbox.
It was a great experiment in continuing business as normal under lockdown and we had a great time hosting Ralph, who was able to get a good flavour of how the centre supports the exciting research taking place by our members.
We hope to host him again in person once we are all able to travel again – the coffee machine will be waiting!