Here we will look at subordinate
clauses from the point of view of their meaning. The main semantic types
are exemplified in the following table:
Subordinate Clause
Example |
ring you again [before I leave]
David joined the army [after he graduated]
[When you leave], please close the door
I read the newspaper [while I was waiting] |
be there at nine [if I can catch the early train]
[Provided he works hard], he'll do very well at school
Don't call me [unless its an emergency] |
bought me a lovely gift, [although he can't really afford it]
[Even though he worked hard], he failed the final exam
[While I don't agree with her], I can understand
her viewpoint |
was an hour late [because he missed the train]
I borrowed your lawn mower, [since you weren't using it]
[As I don't know the way], I'll take a taxi |
kitchen was flooded, [so we had to go to a restaurant]
I've forgotten my password, [so I can't read my email] |
is a lot more difficult [than I expected]
She earns as much money [as I do]
I think London is less crowded [than it used to be] |
The table does not cover all
the possible types, but it does illustrate many of the various meanings
which can be expressed by subordinate clauses.
Notice that the same word can
introduce different semantic types. For instance, the word while
can introduce a temporal clause:
I read
the newspaper [while I was waiting]
or a concessive clause:
I don't agree with her], I can understand her viewpoint.
Similarly, the word since
can express time:
I've known him
[since he was a child]
as well as reason:
I borrowed
your lawn mower, [since you weren't using it]
In the following exercise,
be aware of words like these, which can introduce more than one type of
subordinate clause.
In each of the following sentences, we have bracketed a subordinate clause.
Decide which semantic type it is, from the choices given:
on Clauses and Sentences...
The Survey of English Usage 1996-1998 Supported by RingJohn Online Marketing UK |