
International Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Centre




Prof. Dr. Katja Werheid
University of Bielefeld
Dept. of Psychology
AE 18 Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychotherapy
Post Box 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld
Email: katja.werheid@uni-bielefeld.de

Translation of the CST manual

The German manual was translated and adapted according to the guidelines by Aguirre et al. 2014 in collaboration with the International CST Centre, and published in July 2018. 

Aguirre E, Spector A, Streater A, Hoe J, Woods B, Orrell M (2018). Kognitive Stimulationstherapie. Ein evidenzbasiertes Gruppenprogramm für Menschen mit Demenz. Aufbaukurs mit Querverweisen zum Basiskurs., Hg. von Katja Werheid. Dortmund: Verlag Modernes Lernen. 

CST Training

CST facilitator training is offered in Germany. See the International CST Training Page for further information