i4health Centre for Doctoral Training launch event
02 May 2019, 3:30 pm–4:45 pm

We are delighted to welcome you to celebrate the launch of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent, Integrated Imaging in Healthcare (i4health).
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
i4health CDT
Roberts Building G08, Sir Davies Lecture TheatreGower Street UCLLondonWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
The new i4health CDT will train the UK’s future leaders in next-generation medical imaging research, development and enterprise, to produce intelligent, radical healthcare innovations focused on either imaging or imaging-enabled systems.
Our centre will provide the vital doctoral training to supply a pipeline of world-leading innovators in future medical-imaging technologies equipped with the philosophy and the technical tools to deliver next-generation context-aware imaging and image analysis techniques through to integrated patient-centred therapeutic platforms.
UCL’s internationally leading positions in medical imaging and devices, data science and AI, robotics, and human-centred design, together with unique access to healthcare data and equipment, ideally place our centre to lead this transformation.
3:15 – 3:30 Arrival
3:30 – 3:35 Welcome - Professor Jem Hebden
3:35 – 3:45 Introduction to the EPSRC CDT in Intelligent, Integrated, Imaging in Healthcare (i4health) - Dr Gary Zhang
3:45 – 3:50 Healthcare engineering landscape at UCL - Dr Rebecca Shipley
3:50 – 4:00 Translational portfolios underpinned by the UCL NIHR Biomedical Research Centres - Dr Nick McNally, Professor Shonit Punwani, Professor Frederik Barkhof
4:00 – 4:05 Role of industry in training the future leaders of medical imaging - Fred Wilson, GSK
4:05 – 4:10 Advancing the frontier of medical imaging - Professor Clare Elwell
4:10 – 4:15 Enabling technologies: AI and Big Data - Professor Danny Alexander
4:15 – 4:20 Enabling technologies: Robotics and Sensing - Professor Dan Stoyanov
4:20 – 4:25 Enabling technologies: Human Computer Interactions - Professor Ann Blandford
4:25 – 4:30 Unparalleled ecosystem for AI and healthcare at UCL - Professor Geraint Rees
4.30 – 6.00 Drinks reception