
UCL EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Integrated Imaging in Healthcare


EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent, Integrated Imaging In Healthcare (i4health)

Training future leaders in AI-powered medical imaging innovations

The new i4health CDT will train the UK’s future leaders in next-generation medical imaging research, development and enterprise, to produce intelligent, radical healthcare innovations focused on either imaging or imaging-enabled systems.

Our centre will provide the vital doctoral training to supply a pipeline of world-leading innovators in future medical-imaging technologies equipped with the philosophy and the technical tools to deliver next-generation context-aware imaging and image analysis techniques through to integrated patient-centred therapeutic platforms.

UCL’s internationally leading positions in medical imaging and devicesdata science and AIrobotics, and human-centred design, together with unique access to healthcare data and equipment, ideally place our centre to lead this transformation. 

Please visit our Apply page for any current opportunities

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Imaging scans


Find out more about our interdisciplinary, cohort-based doctoral training programme for medical imaging

Richard student


Our programme consists of a 1-year MRes and a 3-year PhD, covering everything from modular learning to critical assessment skills



Find out more about current opportunities at the i4health CDT

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