The DID-SIG is an independent group that exists, based at UCL but not solely for UCL-affiliated staff, to discuss and promote the clinical information and research relevant to people who have intellectual disabilities and dementia.

Our special interest group is composed of clinicians (including clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and nurses) from across the UK and beyond who have a special interest in dementia in people with intellectual disabilities. The group is chaired by Dr Andre Strydom, Reader in Intellectual Disabilities and Consultant Psychiatrist.
We meet every quarter, in London, to discuss relevant and recent research, clinical cases and policy.
If you are interested in coming to a meeting or joining the group, please get in touch with Dr Richard Hillier, Consultant Psychiatrist and the group's Secretary:
On our page, you will find details about forthcoming and past meetings and some publications of interest.
Previous meeting minutes
- 21st June 2013
- 28th February 2014
- 24th October 2014
- 13th February 2015
- 16th October 2015
- 12th February 2016
- 10th June 2016
- 14th October 2016
Minutes from the meeting on 10th February 2017 will be uploaded shortly
- Forthcoming meetings
The agenda for our next meeting in June 2017 will be uploaded here once it becomes available.
Clinical guidance
Diagnostic Manual for Intellectual Disabilities 2: Neurocognitive disorders
BPS guidance on dementia and people with intellectual disabilities (2015)
Relevant literature
Variability of the Aging Process in Dementia-Free Adults With Down Syndrome (Tsao et al., 2015)