Runa Lazzarino obtained a PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology at the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2015. In her doctorate project she conducted a multi-country ethnography (Vietnam, Brazil, Nepal) where she read the lived experiences of human trafficking returnees in the light of the ideological, legislative and humanitarian systems revolving around their recovery and reintegration. Before joining the UCL Institute of Advanced Studies, Runa was research associate in the European project SEATIDE (EC 7thFP) on South East Asia and she concentrated on post-shelter life among trafficking returnees in Northern Vietnam. Her research interests revolve around migration and re-integration; modern slavery, exploitation and violence; power/agency and subjectivity; socio-psychological suffering; humanitarianism and social intervention; mixed methods.
Runa's work as a Visiting Research Fellow at IAS is going to be twofold. In the first half of her fellowship she will mainly focus on an article for publication on trafficked migrants' emotional health and their sociocultural (re)integration. She will draw on her PhD data as well as analyse the existing literature on the topic, mainly reviewing and comparing ethno-anthropological investigations with health sciences studies. In the second half, she will start a new mixed methods research project on the assistance to victims of trafficking and exploited migrants in London to gain insights on the emotional needs, long-term integration and citizenship practices among this vulnerable population. Runa is also revising her PhD manuscript for submission for publication.