Dr Johan Warodell was a Visiting Research Fellow from January 2024 to January 2025.
Johan Warodell is the author of Conrad’s Decentered Fiction (Cambridge University Press 2022), which reproduces and analyzes newly-discovered artworks, maps, and manuscript pages. It produces a new picture of Conrad as a writer, and the first picture of Conrad as an amateur sketch artist. Johan has contributed articles to journals such as Cambridge Quarterly, English, MFS, and JML. His latest article is “The Absence of Animals in Kafka’s Fiction” (MLN 2023). He translated Olof Lagercrantz’s monograph on Conrad from Swedish to English. He is a Trustee of the Joseph Conrad Society of America and a Research Associate at the Centre for Modernist Studies, University of Sussex. Johan is a former IES Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
Description of project
At the IAS, Johan worked on his second monograph, Biodiversity in Modern Literature, which will introduce an understanding of biodiversity through the lens of fiction. His aim is to explore the concept of biodiversity in literature and map biodiversity in fiction at the time it was first conceptualized in science. His hope is to present the most exhaustive and inclusive map on the animal in modern literature.