Call for workshop participants: Bodies after COP26
18 May 2022
'Bodies after COP26: Biosocial-Medical Responses to the Climate Emergency', 30th June 2022 at University College London. Deadline for submissions: 6th June 2022.

With UCL Anthropocene, UCL Anthropology, UCL Institute for Global Health
Keynotes: Alex Nading, Cornell University; Anthony Costello, UCL; Sahra Gibbon & Jennie Gamlin, UCL (TBD)
Guest speakers: Ariel Ortega, Indigenous Guarani-Mbya filmmaker, Teko’a Koenju, Brazil; Bruno Huyer, IPHAN, Brazil; Valeria Macedo, University of São Paulo, Brazil
It is of little doubt that the climate emergency is an issue of absolute urgence for scholars to address, as we begin to see the increasing effects on the environment brought about by the age of the Anthropocene. Beyond geological influences, human and non-human bodies and their health are deeply impacted by environmental factors, not the least the current pandemic, inviting an interdisciplinary biosocial medical approach to understand contemporary transformations and understandings of “risk”. We seek to enhance networks and collaborations between ECRs whose work engages the Anthropocene and health, reflecting on the important outcomes of COP26 and UCL’s Grand Challenge of ‘Global Health’ as our starting point.
In this one-day workshop, collaboratively hosted between colleagues at UCL Anthropology and the Institute for Global Health and supported by UCL Anthropocene, we plan to bring together interdisciplinary ECRs (PhD, postdoc, junior scholars) who share an interest in (human and non-human) bodies and health in the age of the Anthropocene. On the day we will enjoy expert keynote and guest speakers, a reading group, and networking opportunities.
If you are an ECR with an interest in biosocial-medical responses to the climate emergency or in health relating it direct or indirect with the Anthropocene, we invite your participation in this one-day event. We are able to offer travel stipends from the UK or Europe, on a competitive basis.
Please send a short bio (max. 100 words) and research statement outlining your work of relevance (max. 300 words) to Maria Paula Prates ( and to Rebecca Irons (, with the email subject ‘BODIES AFTER COP26’ before the deadline of 6th June 2022. If you wish to apply for a travel stipend, please indicate this in your email.

This workshop has received funds from the IAS Octagon Small Grants Fund
Photo by William Gibson on Unsplash